Existing, unfortunately homophobic, presentations of homosexuals in Polish studies on the Old-Polish age are discussed. A necessity is postulated to write a Polish history of homosexuality from the gay studies perspective.Piotr Oczkoteksty drugie
Dlaczego warto uczestniczyć w szkoleniach?Trainings are one of the forms of investing in the development of human resources. Its aim is to raise the quality of performed job. In order to be more effective trainings need to fulfill some crucial conditions, which are broadly described in ...
The review concerns Beata Wooszyn's book Norwid ocala. Heroizm, smierc i zmartwychwstanie w twórczosci postromantyka (Norwid Saves. Heroism, Death and Resurrection in the Post-Romantic's Works) (Krakow 2008), devoted to the Thanatotic imagination of the author of Vade-mecum. The subject...
Czy wiemy dlaczego czasoprzestrzeń na dużych skalach jest gładka i 4-wymiarowa?Even though the description of the universe in cosmology is known to be given by a smooth 4-dimensional Lorentz manifold for energies below Planck scale, one still can ask about the origins of this ...