${{ env.PACKAGED_STATUS }} success Package status: success / failureArmbian system default informationNameValue Default IP Get IP from the router Default username root Default password 1234Compile the kernel using GitHub ActionsFor the compilation method of the kernel, see compile-kernel-...
${{ env.PACKAGED_STATUS }} success / failure Package statusopenwrt-*-rootfs.tar.gz Firmware compilation parametersOptionValue Target System QEMU ARM Virtual Machine Subtarget QEMU ARMv8 Virtual Machine(cortex-a53) Target Profile Default Target Images tar.gzFor...
13.920 0.0000.00% 盘后16:20 (美东) 62.42亿总市值32.15市盈率TTM 14.260最高价13.875最低价232.46万股成交量14.070今开13.890昨收3245.36万成交额0.69%换手率41.43市盈率(静)4.48亿总股本22.74052周最高3.07市净率46.83亿流通值10.57052周最低--股息TTM3.36亿流通股44.960历史最高--股息率TTM2.77%振幅9.745历史最低...