37、34. DSCC maintains an online database of all current sources of supply at http:/www.dscc.dla.mil/Programs/Smcr/. Standard microcircuit drawing PIN 1/ Vendor CAGE number Vendor similar PIN 2/ 8302401EA 8302401EC 8302401EA 8302401EC 31757 31757 50434 50434 6N140A 6N140A 6N140A/883B#200...
28、o be eligible for listing as an approved source of supply, a manufacturer shall be listed on the MIL-PRF-49467 Qualified Products Database for at least one part, or provide data as requested by DLA Land and Maritime VAT. 3.15 Certificate of compliance. A certificate of compliance shall...
Since conta 5、ct information can change you may want to verify the currency of the address information using the ASSIST Online database at https:/assist.dla.mil/. AMSC N/A FSC 4730Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-A-A-59935...
Since organizations and responsibilities can change, you should verify the currency of the information above using the ASSIST Online database at https:/assist.dla.mil. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- ...
2、ay want to verify the currency of the address information using the ASSIST Online database at https:/assist.daps.dla.mil/. AMSC N/A FSC 5920 INCH-POUND A-A-55476D 10 May 2012 SUPERSEDING A-A-55476C 3 May 2007 COMMERCIAL ITEM DESCRIPTION FUSE, CARTRIDGE, TYPE SFE The General Ser...
2、ay want to verify the currency of this address information using the ASSIST database at https:/assist.daps.dla.mil/. FSC 3110 METRIC A-A-59635B 9 March 2011 SUPERSEDING A-A-59635A 26 March 2008 COMMERCIAL ITEM DESCRIPTION BEARING, BALL, ANNULAR, SINGLE ROW, ANGULAR CONTACT, CONTACT...
DLA Land and Maritime maintains an online database of all current sources of supply at http:/www.landandmaritime.dla.mil/Pro 40、grams/Smcr/. Vendor item drawing administrative control number 1/ Device manufacturer CAGE code Vendor part number Top side marking V62/06606-01XE 01295 UC1846MDW...
DLA Land and Maritime maintains an online database of all current sources of supply at http:/www.landandmaritime.dla.mil/Programs/Smcr/. Standard microcircuit drawing PIN 1/ Vendor CAGE number Vendor similar PIN 2/ 5962-0420501HPC 5962-0420501HPA 50434 50434 HCPL-5151 HCPL-5151-200 5962-...
2、ion can change you may want to verify the currency of the address information using the ASSIST Online database at http:/assist.daps.dla.mil . AMSC N/A FSC 5950 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. INCH-POUND A-A-59416A 9 May 2008 SUPERSED...
32、se items form a part of the manufacturers design database/database archive and shall be maintained under document revision level control of the device manufacturers Technology Review Board (TRB) in accordance with MIL-PRF-38535 and shall be made available to the acquiring or preparing activity...