With its simple and intuitive interface, yt2dl makes the video downloading process accessible to users of all technical levels. Clear instructions and easy navigation contribute to a seamless experience, enabling even novice users to download videos effortlessly. ...
ffmpeg -ss (start time) -i (video link) -t (duration) -c:v copy -c:a copy (title.mp4) 举例 ffmpeg -ss 14350 -i $(youtube-dl -f 22 --get-url https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMZriSvaVP8) -t 11200 -c:v copy -c:a copy react-spot.mp4 下载的视频在哪里 由于使用的是 ...
GUI for command-line video downloader (youtube-dl annie) guidownloadervideoyoutube-dl UpdatedNov 24, 2021 Kotlin Download web video and audio musicwindowsdownloaderyoutubeqtcppyoutube-dlgnomevideosflathubgtk4yt-dlplibadwaita UpdatedMar 6, 2025 ...
pythonplayeryoutubestreamlinktwitchstreamingqtvideovideo-playerlivestreampyqt5youtube-dlqt5vlclibvlcpyqtplayer-videoyt-dlp UpdatedApr 3, 2024 Python Spotify Music Downloader musiclinuxbotspotify-playlistspotifyyoutubetelegram-botspotify-apiyoutube-dlapple-musicfree-softwaremusic-botyoutube-downloadershazamspot...
Command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and other video sites express# https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/releases/tag/2021.02.22 https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/releases/download/2021.02.22/youtube-dl download# Copysudo curl -L https://yt-dl.org/download...
yt-dlp 是 youtube-dl 的一个分支,主要基于现在维护不太活跃的 youtube-dlc。该项目的主要重点是添加新功能和补丁,同时与原始项目保持同步。 生信菜鸟团 2022/02/17 7.1K0 信手拈来的开(mian)源(fei)视频转码方法 视频处理云点播githubguihttp 优点: 1. 支持批量转码,一次配置批量转码; 2. 支持多操作系统...
webm1920x108025│75.15MiB2202khttps│vp92202kvideoonly1080p,webm_dash 从这结果就可以看出,上面的 137 是 1080p 的 mp4视频;140 是 129k 的音频。 至于外部下载器,我没搞,默认下载速度就很快了,一秒几m,够用就不折腾了。 4参考资料 使用yt-dlp 下载 youtube 视频的一点体会...
formerly known as YT-DL YTDL is a simple and easy-to-use app for downloading videos from YouTube and other video sites. Key Features Download videos from YouTube and other video sites. Increase download speeds by up to 400%. Download multiple videos at the same time. ...
youtube-dl官网:https://yt-dl.org/ 项目地址:https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl 1.文档简略翻译,具体请以官方文档为准 Usage: youtube-dl [OPTIONS] URL [URL...] Options: 通用选项: -h, --help 打印帮助文档 --version 打印版本信息
In this digital era where multimedia content reigns supreme, having the ability to download videos effortlessly has become an essential skill. If you are eager to elevate your video downloading game to the next level, why not learn how to use YouTube-dl (nowyt-dlp)?