The <dl> HTML element represents a description list. The element encloses a list of groups of terms (specified using the <dt> element) and descriptions (provided by <dd> elements). Common uses for this element are to implement a glossary or to display me
DL HTML Element 發行項 2006/08/28 Send FeedbackThe DL element denotes a definition list. This is a block element and requires a closing tag.Attributes展開資料表 AttributeValueDescription CLASS Associates the element with a CSS style. Note Supported only for devices running Windows Mobile ...
HTML element: dl Global usage 97.12% + 0% = 97.12% IE ✅ 6 - 10: Supported ✅ 11: Supported Edge ✅ 12 - 130: Supported ✅ 131: Supported Firefox ✅ 2 - 133: Supported ✅ 134: Supported ✅ 135 - 137: Supported Chrome ✅ 4 - 131: Supported ✅ 132: Supported ...
HTML要点 | Elementsdl dl HTML<dl>元素(或HTML描述列表元素)是一个包含术语定义以及描述的列表,通常用于展示词汇表或者元数据 (键-值对列表)。 内容类别 流内容,如果<dl>元素的子元素包含一个名称值组,则可触及的内容。 允许的内容 零个或多个组,每个组由一个或多个<dt>元素,后跟一个或多个<dd>元素组成...
DOM 接口HTMLDListElement 属性 该元素包含全局属性。 compact 迫使描述和术语显示在同一行。该属性目前不被支持。 示例 单条术语与描述 <dl> <dt>Firefox</dt> <dd>A free, open source, cross-platform, graphical web browser developed by the Mozilla Corporation and hundreds of volunteers.</dd> <!--...
语义化HTML:ul、ol和dl 一、语义化元素 1. ul标签 W3C草案: The ul element represents an unordered list of items; that is, a list in which changing the order of the items would not change the meaning of list.W3C specification...
<script>document.querySelectorAll('dt').forEach(item=>{item.addEventListener('click',()=>{constnextElement=item.nextElementSibling;if('none'){'block';// 显示描述}else{'none';// 隐藏描述}});});</script> ...
语义化HTML:ul、ol和dl 一、语义化元素 1. ul标签 W3C草案: Theul element represents an unordered list of items; that is, a list in which changing the order of the items would not change the meaning of list.W3C specification 语义化<ul>元素:表示包含一组无序列表项内容。
html中的标签缩写的英文是什么?ul是unordered lists的缩写 (无序列表)li是list item的缩写 (列表项目...
语义化HTML:ul、ol和dl 一、语义化元素 1. ul标签 W3C草案: The ul element represents an unordered list of items; that is, a list in which changing the order of the items would not change the meaning of list.W3C specification 语义化<ul>元素:表示包含一组无序列表项内容。