When was the latest DL1658 flight? The latest flight took off on Monday, February 17th, 2025 with the flight status being Scheduled on 13:25. How else can the flight DL1658 be referenced as? This Delta Air Lines flight can also be referenced as DAL1658, DL 1658, DAL 1658. How often...
Check real-time flight status of DL1658 from Detroit to Fort Lauderdale on Trip.com. Find latest flight arrivals & departures and other travel information. Book Delta Air Lines flight tickets with us!
Flight Notes Operated by Endeavor Air on behalf of Delta Air Lines Also marketed as (KL) KLM 6717, (VS) Virgin Atlantic 1658, (WS) WestJet 8053 Event Timeline Time Date UTC CST EST Event Data Updated 15 Jan 19:58 13:58 14:58 Time Adjustment Estimated Gate Arrival changed from Jan-...
inflight "^1.0.4" inherits "2" minimatch "^3.0.4" once "^1.3.0" path-is-absolute "^1.0.0" globals@^9.18.0: version "9.18.0" resolved "http://registry.npm.taobao.org/globals/download/globals-9.18.0.tgz#aa3896b3e69b487f17e31ed2143d69a8e30c2d8a" graceful...
Flight DL2468 is code-shared by 1 airline using the flight number WS6355 Other flights departing from Toronto YYZ: AC894, AC957, AC8696, WS719 Other flights arriving at Salt Lake City SLC: DL642, UA1658, AS628, AA6251 All flights connecting Toronto YYZ to Salt Lake City SLC.DL...
Labels US Weather ALTITUDE0 ft LANDED Flight Time Total 1h 49m Elapsed 1h 49m Remaining 0m Flight Distance Total 610 mi Flown 610 mi Remaining 0 mi Additional Details This Flight Also Marketed As Codeshare Airline KLM Virgin Atlantic WestJet Flight Number (KL) 6717(VS) 1658(WS) 8053 Air...
Labels US Weather ALTITUDE0 ft LANDED Flight Time Total 1h 43m Elapsed 1h 43m Remaining 0m Flight Distance Total 610 mi Flown 610 mi Remaining 0 mi Additional Details This Flight Also Marketed As Codeshare Airline KLM Virgin Atlantic WestJet Flight Number (KL) 6717(VS) 1658(WS) 8053 Aircr...
Labels US Weather ALTITUDE0 ft LANDED Flight Time Total 1h 37m Elapsed 1h 37m Remaining 0m Flight Distance Total 610 mi Flown 610 mi Remaining 0 mi Additional Details This Flight Also Marketed As Codeshare Airline KLM Virgin Atlantic WestJet Flight Number (KL) 6717(VS) 1658(WS) 8053 Air...