Learning first words in English has never been more fun... How Everything Works Discover an all-in-one encyclopedia that takes you on a... Mammoth Maths Introducing an off-beat guide to maths from award-winni... Great Science Projects ...
Learning first words in English has never been more fun... How Everything Works Discover an all-in-one encyclopedia that takes you on a... Mammoth Maths Introducing an off-beat guide to maths from award-winni... Great Science Projects ...
and the home. Search for the page you want, tap on any word to listen to it being spoken, scroll up and down the word lists for each topic, and click left or right to go to the next or previous page. Word lists on each page can be arranged alphabetically in English or in the la...
In conclusion, DK English 10000 Words and DK English Vocabulary Book are two valuable resources for anyone looking to improve their English language skills. With their comprehensive word lists, definitions, and interactive activities, these books provide readers with the tools they need to expand thei...
a word game 室内游戏 ( 尤指填字游戏 )parlourmaid /'pailameid/ n. hist. 【 史义 】 a maid who waits at table ( 侍候用餐的 ) 客厅侍女parlous /'pa:hs/ adj. archaic or Joc. 【 过时或诙 】 1 dangerous or difficult 危险的 , 困难的 2 hard to deal with 难处理的 [Middle English,...
hēi black; dark; sinister; secret; shady; illegal; to hide (sth) away; to vilify; (loanword) to hack (computing) 料 liào material; stuff; grain; feed; to expect; to anticipate; to guess 进入...
每章节的第一部分是给予语法例句,需要注意的地方已用颜色特别标注,然后运用类似word中关键词注解的方式,对重点需要注意的点进行标注。非常清晰明了。 然后练习(FURTHER EXAMPLES)部分,紧跟刚刚学习第一部分的知识点紧密相连。只是把动词和句子场景换一下。
n (Bible) Old Testament the last king of Judah, who died in captivity at Babylon. Douay spelling: Sedecias Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014Want...
With supporting audio available online for every word that is introduced, sample sentences throughout the book, and practice exercises,English for Everyone: English Vocabulary Buildercan help you confidently progress your English language from beginner to advanced in both social and business environments....
Search for the page you want, tap on any word to listen to it being spoken, scroll up and down the word lists for each topic, and swipe left or right to go to the next or previous page. Perfect for study, work, and travel. Features: • Over 7,000 spoken words and phrases per...