Unholy should have 3 pets to choose from This isn’t a bad Idea, but personally for mechanical and gameplay reasons I would like pets to be categorized as Melee, Caster and Plague Bearer. This way you have an associated theme and potential to tie talents to them. For example If you ch...
Death Siphon is a little more meh, it's a good way to heal up between pulls since last I checked, you can cast it on critters on the move. It's not vital, and Conversion or Death Pact would likely be more effective for Unholy. There is most often not a lot of mobs close to ea...
The unholy weights have crit higher than haste. They just aren't obvious "WTF" like frost. Ghoul double-dips from raid haste effects since the previous run. SS disease modifier increased. Crit/haste were already very close. In a previous run for Unholy that I didn't post on MMO-C, ...
Currently I’m enjoying playing an unholy DK and DPSing, have no problem switching specs if or as needed for the raid or mythic+, While not confident in other specs I will bring what I need and do what I can ( Such as looking up rotations, specs, and talents. Looking up videos/ ...
2.1天賦(Talents) 2.2被動技能(InnateSkills) 2.3團隊增益/減益(RaidBuffsandDebuffs) 2.4雕紋(Glyphs) 3領域(Presences) 4輸出優先級(Priority) 4.1單目標(SingleTarget) 4.2多目標(MultipleTarget) 4.3符能獲取(RunicPowerManagement) 4.4CD技能(Cooldowns) ...
1 概述 (Introduction) 2 天賦和雕紋 (Talents and Glyphs) 2.1 天賦 (Talents) 2.2 被動技能 (Innate Skills) 2.3 團隊增益/減益 (Raid Buffs and Debuffs) 2.4 雕紋 (Glyphs) 3 領域 (Presences) 4 輸出優先級 (Priority) 4.1 單目標 (Single Target) 4.2 多目標 (Multiple Target) 4.3 符能獲取 (...
Unholy 邪天赋: Single Target - The same as before, just include Soul Reaper on cooldown when your enemy hits 35% HP.单目标:和Cata一样,就是多了个斩杀时候用收割 Multiple Targets - Well, I didn't find much consens on it yet, but Diseases, Blood Boil and DnD are pretty strong AoE....