Frost was not originally the tank spec. I dont know where this revisionist history nonsense comes from and I dont know why it keeps being repeated, but DK at the time was designed so any spec COULD tank. That doesnt make the spec THE tank spec. It was an experiment admitted by the dev...
Crit makes the spec function. If you have low crit you aren’t going to have a good time 1 Like Chaaka-stormscale (Chaaka) September 12, 2024, 1:16am 4 Just wait 30 seconds for pillar and DB to come back up. Kids are so impatient these days. 2 Likes Saryn-gilneas...
My main has 11 of the 13 possible for blood spec. Once I get the final two, I’ll look to swapping her to frost spec. I see no point in not having all the blood legendaries. Despite not having a lot of time this week, I ended up being able to finish the AQ sets. All I had...
I'm an avoidance tank. This is with my Avoidance gear on, my Max HP gear is just swapping Mirror for Symbiotic Worm. Your rating in avoidance made me think if I should reforge/regem all my off spec gear over mastery... Looks ...
如介绍一样wowpedia具备官方认 分享12016 dota2吧 jiansiong83 speed gaming国际蛇的薪水合同曝光RATTLESNAKE GAMING INTERNATIONAL PLAYER CONTRACTBattleSnake Gaming 网游竞赛选手合同THIS CONTRACT is between ___WehSing Yuen___, alias __SingSing___, hereinafter referred to as “Player” and Ru Gao Shi Rat... - Edited for clarity and general retardness due to tiredness I'm just going to rate Invision's as he was the last person to post a spec: From what I see you're doing nearly everything right. There's a few points I would pe...
it wouldnt be “OP” but itd be a noob killer for anyone who wanted to just facetank it and expect to live, therefore yes its gonna get nerfed since that tends to be how dk tuning works anytime an ability with a generally easy counter is doing well, rather than figure out how to ...
Our guild boasts the best healing core on the server and many of our DPS are top ten for their class/spec. So, if bullet points up above sounds good to you, hit me up. We always invite the person, not the class or spec.
8/10 M Raid Schedule: Tues/Weds 8:00pm-11:00pm CST Heroic Alt Run: (10/10 H) Monday Night M+: Daily/Nightly Recruitment Needs: ~ DPS: High ~ Healer: Low ~ Tank: Low ~ M+ Tank: Medium (Any exceptional players will be considered) What We Offer ~ Strong and experienced leadership...
/ Recruitment Needs for Mythic: (Transfer Required) 1 disc priest, 1 ranged dps. 1 dps with strong tank off spec, prefer ww/bm. Potentially 1 stud melee player. Anyone talented regardless of class/spec will be considered. Do not be...