In 3, blood was a dps that could tank, frost was a tank that could dps. Once you got 40 points into the frost talent tree you could even dual wield! End of 3/beginning of 4 blood became the tank and frost just dps, with talents on tier 6 of 7 setting if you wanted to dual ...
Tuesday rolls around, everybody is excited to do a faceroll DS to test new talents and see where the level 85 numbers are. You get up to spine, and decide to try DW frost, so you can spam Howling Blast to your hearts content. The first lift you pop pillar, trinket, and ghoul. Yo...
Thinking about it, I think tank dps started becoming a bigger deal is when you could become capped through talents rather than getting def capped. That allowed more tanks to use strictly dps gear rather than having limited gearing choices. Reforging also helped a lot. Last edited by hyperion...
1 概述 (Introduction) 2 天賦和雕紋 (Talents and Glyphs) 2.1 天賦 (Talents) 2.2 被動技能 (Innate Skills) 2.3 團隊增益/減益 (Raid Buffs and Debuffs) 2.4 雕紋 (Glyphs) 3 領域 (Presences) 4 輸出優先級 (Priority) 4.1 單目標 (Single Target) 4.2 多目標 (Multiple Target) 4.3 符能獲取 (...
2.1天賦(Talents) 2.2被動技能(InnateSkills) 2.3團隊增益/減益(RaidBuffsandDebuffs) 2.4雕紋(Glyphs) 3領域(Presences) 4輸出優先級(Priority) 4.1單目標(SingleTarget) 4.2多目標(MultipleTarget) 4.3符能獲取(RunicPowerManagement) 4.4CD技能(Cooldowns) ...
Cooldowns didn't change compared to cataclysm, just using Pillar of Frost will be a bit more clunky without Blood Tap.单目标:看着多其实简单,35%以下用收割;单手用冰打双手用湮灭;然后根据天赋第三层的选择使用不同的Cata类似的能量控制方式(原文也没具体说怎么控制) Multiple Targets - It's only ...