Yeah… And if you actually tested anything on the PTR or kept up with the discussion on the blood DK dps discord you’d know the changes do almost nothing to help DPS. The autos got scaled back but the specials got bumped up which ended up with a net gain of almost nothing. Squintxv...
A: Yes and no. While it shows you a basic single target rotation, it will not show you when to use cooldowns, or when to use more aoe threat moves, again like DPS priority, its a starting point, not a scripture. Q: I want you to add something to the rotation. ...
60 Blood Elf Death Knight19030 Aug 2022 This is the sad truth. As someone who generally dislikes the wound mechanic in general, I accepted it isn’t going away any time soon, if ever. Hopefully the new UH talents, whenever we get em, will address other concerns for the better....
Teigs <GooseKnights> 395 posts 69 Blood Elf Priest 18570 Jan 2021 Hey Kogroth, If you are looking to go into Shadowlands and slam some bosses to the ground, come talk to us in Fragment! Our current progression sits at 10/10H and 2/10M. Our leadership are a collection of ppl who ...
Inthisregard,theprecisedemand:T>DPS. --- 4.hitlevel FacingskeletonlevelBoss(actuallevelis3higherthan player): Physicalattacks(i.e.yellowattacks,correspondingcommon attackon)need9%hitstoreachtheupperlimit. Theaverageattackofanondualweaponrequires9%hitsto...