《The Science Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained》是由DK出版的图解科普书籍,它以简洁明了的方式介绍了历史上对科学产生重大影响的理论、发现和科学家。该书的目标是通过易于理解的语言、精美的插图和图表,让读者快速掌握科学史上的重要概念和突破性思想。 1.概述 《The Science Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained》...
DK- Big Ideas Simply Explained 7册,精美英文原版pdfDK- Big Ideas Simply Explained 人类的思想百科丛书英文原版,PDF原装精排版7本DKs general reference books bring topics to life with illustrations, design, and fully comprehensive content across a variety of subjects from oceans to planets, medicine and...
发现宙斯,天空之神和奥林波斯山众神的统治者,洛基,一个狡猾的骗子,有制造破坏的技巧,托尔和他的强大的锤子,以及哈迪斯,黑社会的统治者——还有更多。 7.The Sociology Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained (DK Big Ideas) 在社会学书中了解我们如何组织我们的社会。 这本引人入胜的书将拓宽你对社会学的理解,包括...
The Big Ideas Simply Explained series uses creative design and innovative graphics along with straightforward and engaging writing to make complex subjects easier to understand. With over 7 million copies worldwide sold to date, these award-winning books provide just the information needed for students...
The Science Book Big Ideas Simply Explained 35.9M 02 简介 With over 225,000 copies in print, DK'sBig Ideasseries has struck a chord with readers fascinated-but also intimidated-by complex subjects like philosophy, psychology, politics, and religion. ...
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Update Date:2025-02-07 Status:finish Author:DK ISBN:B09TNN2N45 Environment:PC/Android/iPhone/iPad/Kindle Download Reference google bookhttps://www.google.com/search?tbm=bks&q=The World War II Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained hathitrust digital libraryhttps://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/ls?q1=Th...
DK电影百科:复杂概念简单解释 16年1月 The Movie Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained DK动物大百科:动物世界的权威视觉典籍,涵盖地球上迄今最齐全的物种 17年9月 Animal: The Definitive Visual Guide DK动物地图册 2021年4月 Animal Atlas: The World's Wildlife as You've Never Seen it Before ...
<Ebook>《DK “人类思想百科丛书”之法律科普百科_The Law Book Big Ideas Simply Explained》 by D.K. Publishing , PDF下载链接: www.aliyundrive.com/s/K1JnFyMTYYm
Big Ideas Simply Explained DK PDF合集16 DK16个主题的全英文专题百科 The Astronomy Book Big Ideas ...