We used the giant polytene chromosomes of larvae to reveal a new species of black fly in the Djurdjura Mountains of northern Algeria. The female, male, pupa, and larva, in addition to the giant chromosomes, are described and compared with those of similar species. Thi...
DietPsammodromus algirusPodarcis vaucheriDjurdjuraAlgeriaIn this study, we present the first data on the diet of two sympatric lizard species Psammodromus algirus and Podarcis vaucheri of the Djurdjura Mountains. The analysis of 100 feces (43 Ps. algirus and 57 ...
DietPsammodromus algirusPodarcis vaucheriDjurdjuraAlgeriaIn this study, we present the first data on the diet of two sympatric lizard species Psammodromus algirus and Podarcis vaucheri of the Djurdjura Mountains. The analysis of 100 feces (43 Ps. algirus and 57 P. vaucheri) allowed us to ...
We studied the composition and seasonal changes in diet and prey selection in the wall lizard Podarcis vaucheri of the Djurdjura Mountains throughout its activity period, from April to October 2014. The analysis of 238 faecal pellets revealed 1 206 prey items distributed in 19 prey categories. ...