Mit Djoser Family war ich bereits 2 Mal mit meiner Tochter bei Rundreisen unterwegs. Mal durch Costa Rica, mal Sri Lanka. Fantastische Erfahrungen, tolle Reiseführer, interessante Erlebnisse & Geschichten. Tolle Übernachtungen, fast immer mit Pool, besonders auch für die Kids grandios, Abend...
Family TreeHe was the first Egyptian pharaoh viewed not just as a ruler, but also as a god. Egyptian records first link the name Djoser with the Pharaoh Netjerykhet around 1,000 years after his rule. © Vincent Brown - Djoser's Ka ChamberEgyptologists believe the king’s actual birth ...
Also, according to these Quranic narratives regarding Jewish tribal lore, the Quran portrays an accurate picture of the Bedouin customs of the Jewish tribes. A male family member could be abandoned if he was a mamzer; a bastard or a child of incest or the offspring of an exogamous marriage...
construction 8.40 meters were added, thus making the pyramid rectangular and 79.90 square meters from east to west and 71.50 square meters from south to north. The eastern addition was made for digging up a vertical shaft of 33 m of depth to bury the royal members of the family inside his...
Mind you, marrying within the royal family was not uncommon back then. With his base in Memphis, Djoser most likely ruled Egypt for about two decades. Some historians claim that he ruled for a much longer period than twenty years, considering how immense his burial pyramid is. During the ...
The king nodded. “One priest in the family is enough, and Imhotep will spend his life in priestly pursuits. I would like Nub-Hor to seek other things.” “Then assign him other duties. You are the king.” The king commanded Nub-Hor to sit in on the law courts where the common peo...
Who was the Herodian ruling family? Who were the nativists? Who married Marcus Garvey? Who was Arrian? Who was Ahmose? Who is Cheops? Who was Cambyses? Who were the Ostrogoths? Who was Tiglath-Pileser III? Who are the Oromo? Who was Jaafar Nimeiri? Who was the Pyramid of Djoser buil...
Very little is known of Djoser’s youth or family life. His name Netjerikhet means “divine of body” and ‘Djoser’ is derived from the Djed symbol of stability. He succeeded his father,Khasekhemwy, the last king of the 2nd Dynasty, and his mother was the queen Nimaathap. Hetepherne...
The house of the vizier Nakht had at least 30 rooms, including separate apartments for the master, his family, and his guests. Such houses had bathrooms and lavatories. The ceilings of large rooms were supported by painted wooden pillars, and there may have been further rooms above. Where ...