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Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) is a price-weighted stock market index tracking the share price movement of 30 publicly-traded companies.
Main View: Symbol, Name, Last Price, Change, Percent Change, High, Low, Volume, and Time of Last Trade. Technical View: Symbol, Name, Last Price, Today's Opinion, 20-Day Relative Strength, 20-Day Historic Volatility, 20-Day Average Volume, 52-Week High and 52-Week Low. ...
华盛通 最高20.5899 今开20.41 成交量1.23万股 最低20.38 昨收20.3748 总市值2771.58万 52周最高20.8608 市盈率静-- 换手率0.91% 52周最低18.3583 委比-42.86% 总股本135.00万 历史最高20.9146 量比0.36 振幅1.03% 历史最低16.2801 每手1 风险率0.53% ...
The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), also called “Dow Jones” or “the Dow” is a price-weighted average of 30 significant stocks traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), approximately two-thirds of which are represented by companies producing industrial and consumer goods. “Price-...
ETF Price & Overview Follow1.3K followers $23.02-0.05 (-0.22%)4:00 PM 02/07/25 NYSEARCA |$USD |Post-Market:$22.91-0.11 (-0.48%)5:24 PM DJIA Analysis Muhlenkamp January 2025 Quarterly Letter Investing Groups Covering DJIA Macro Trading Factory ...
Holding back the Dow today is 3M (NYSE:MMM), which is lagging the broader Dow index with a 19-cent decline (-0.1%) bringing the stock to $158.80.
Astock market indexfounded in 1896 by Charles Dow tracking 30 companies in various industries thought to be representative of the Americaneconomy. It is aprice-weightedindex, meaning thatstockswith higher prices pershareaffect the average more. It alsoscalesits averages to account forstock splitsan...
DJIA Price = SUM (Component Stock Prices) ÷ Dow Divisor The S&P 500 has outperformed the DJIA on an annualized basis over the last three-, five-, and 10-year periods.36 Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) Index Components The DJIA launched in 1896 with just 12 companies, primarily in th...
trades at $100 but undergoes a two-for-one split, reducing its stock price to $50. If our divisor remains unchanged, the calculation for the average would give us 95 ($950 ÷ 10). This would not be accurate because the stock split merely changed the price, not the value of the ...