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DJIA | A complete Dow Jones Industrial Average index overview by MarketWatch. View stock market news, stock market data and trading information.
Price Discovery across the Stock Index Futures and the ETF Markets: Intra-Day Evidence from the S&P 500, Nasdaq-100 and DJIA Indices. Mei-Maun Hseu,Huimin Chung,Erh-Yin Sun. Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies . 2007...
The Dow Jones Industrial Average tracks the performance of 30 large, publicly-traded U.S. companies. Known colloquially as the Dow, it is often used as a way to determine how the U.S. stock market is doing. It doesn’t necessarily track the 30 largest companies, but rather the companies...
The volumes of stock traded and the short selling activity are studied for a period of three years before and after the introduction of SSFs. The introduction of SSFs seems to have had a significant impact on the short selling activity and the traded underlying stock volumes. Ten out of the...
The stock market was also impacted by an increase in the University of Michigan's consumer-sentiment index and the announcement from Intel of a large share repurchase and a dividend increase. There was a gain in bond prices and a strengthening of the dollar....