Capture, analyze and visualize your environment with DJI Terra – an easy-to-use mapping software developed to help industry professionals transform real-world scenarios into digital assets.
DJI Terra V4.4.6 Only supported for download on PC Documents DJI Terra V4.4.6 Release Notes 2025-02-21PDF DJI Terra V4.4.6(Including DJI Modify V1.2.4) Only supported for download on PCBack to top Only in the DJI Store App Try Virtual Flight online for free, and enjoy convenient ...
Capture, analyze and visualize your environment with DJI Terra – an easy-to-use mapping software developed to help industry professionals transform real-world scenarios into digital assets.
DJI Terra supports output in common formats, including TIFF orthomosaic and elevation models, LAS point cloud format, and six common 3D model formats such as B3DM, OSGB, OBJ, as well as DXF and SHP contour formats. These results can be easily integrated into various GIS, CAD, and other th...
DJI Terra DJI Flight Simulator DJI Dock 3 DJI Dock 2 DJI Dock D-RTK 3 Multifunctional Station DJI Lightbridge 2 DJI Battery Station Crop protection Crop protection Mission Planning Mission Planning DJI AGRAS T50 DJI AGRAS T25 DJI AGRAS T40 ...
DJI Terra는 측량 및 매핑, 전력 점검, 긴급 출동, 건설 현장, 교통 및 농업 등 다양한 분야에 사용하는 종합 재구성 모델을 제공하여 산업 사용자들에게 무척 효율적인 솔루션을 ...
为了带给用户更好的数据处理体验,提供更完善的无人机摄影测量及激光雷达测量解决方案,凡购买DJI P1或 DJI L1 的用户可免费获得大疆智图电力版6 个月(在线版),一台负载对应赠送一套大疆智图,仅限与一台电脑绑定。 大疆智图电力版主要功能包含二维重建、实时二维建图、三维重建、实时三维模型、激光点云重建及点云精...
Height above crops not the same in Terra and Agras controller IvaH3-5 06:03Views (152)Replies (9)|DJI Thoryesterday 00:40 Unhappy Flyaway Case - RTH Feature Falsely Advertised LukeL2022-10-22Views (1.9K)Replies (12)|DJI Thoryesterday 00:34 ...
OthersClaas Axion 960 TERRA TRAC | First one in Northern Ireland | Hunnifo...New AR Imagery3-18 14:07Views (162)Replies (19)|DowntownRDByesterday 15:22 OthersClaas Jaguar 950 | Wholecrop Silage | Cutting for the dairy cowsNew AR Imagery3-16 12:03Views (210)Replies (18)|EJs Mini do...
DJI Terra (capture, analyze and visualize your environment) DroneDeploy (aerial mapping tool) Pix4Dmapper (mapping & measuring tool) PrecisionFlight (aerial mapping tool) Performance 360 Security (free up memory to boost performance) Safety Drone Scanner (display Remote ID for nearby drones)...