地面站软件 支持在Phantom 2上使用PC地面站功能。使用前必须将Phantom 2主控固件升级到最新版本V2.00,中心板固件升级到最新版本V1.0.1.24。 增加特殊区域飞行限制,在特殊区域将不能使用地面站建立航点或返航点,经过特殊区域的航线将无法完成。 用户手册 增加特殊区域飞行限制的说明。 这里获取更多信息!
Software DJI Assistant 2 Series DJI Assistant Series Transcoders Other Software 2.4G Bluetooth DataLink InstallerCharging Hub UpgraderMG Smart Charging Hub Update KitDJI Camera ExporterDJI CineLightDJI DNG CleanerDJI Media MakerDJI WIN Driver InstallerFlightHub Basic/Advanced PC SoftwareGuidance Assistant Sof...
Software Software 1. What is DJI Flight Simulator? DJI Flight Simulator is a training software for DJI drone operation. Using a keyboard or DJI remote controller supported by the simulator. 2. What operating system does DJI flight simulator support?
What software is supported for post-processing maps? The orthophotos on the SD card can be post-processed by PC GS PRO, PhotoScan, and Pix4d for two-dimensional mapping. What is the Post Processed Kinematic (PPK) data generated by the Phantom 4 RTK?
Thank you for the reply. The pocket 3 is not directly connected to my computer running OBS. I use the pocket 3 out in public for live streams. I run the camera in webcam mode connected to a an Orange PI 5+ running Belabox software. I have no way of selecting the resolution in ...
Step1:Connect the Air 3’s USB to USB-C cable to your PC or Mac by plugging the USB side into an empty USB slot on your computer or USB hub. Step2:While the remote controller is off, plug the USB-C end into the RC. Step3:Open the DJI Assistant 2 software. ...
There are SD card speed test software available for your computer. Test the card you are using to see if it REALLY meets spec. Personally I have two 128GB SanDisk cards - one bought from WalMart and the other from Amazon. Both are U3 speed rated cards and both work fine in my Mini....
Assume that “Guidance Assistant” software has been correctly installed on Windows. Connect Guidance to PC and power it on. Open the “Guidance Assistant” software, wait until the light on the left-bottom green up and switch to“DIY”mode on theviewpage. ...
Such instruction will not be provided. These tools are for engineers with vast hardware and software knowledge. You need to know what you're doing to achieve anything with these tools. This is to make sure the tools won't be used by script kiddies to disable security mechanisms and to allo...
DJI TERRA User Manual v3.0 2021.05 Content Disclaimer 2 Warning 2 Introduction 2 Download and Launch 3 Connect the Remote Controller and Aircraft 4 Mission Type 4 Flight Route Missions 4 Reconstruction Missions 5 Interface Introduction 7 Main Screen 7 Flight Route Mission Editing View 9 Flight Route...