DJI 大疆创新发布Phantom系列新固件,请登录Phantom 3 Advanced 和Phantom 3 Professional产品页面下载并升级固件;请通过DJI GO app升级Phantom 4、Phantom 3 4K 及Phantom 3 Standard固件。 Phantom 4固件版本更新至v1.0.0288,Phantom 3 Advanced 和Phantom 3 Professional固件版本更新至v1.7.0060,Phantom 3 Standard固...
DJI has released a firmware update for the Phantom 2, Phantom 2 Vision, and Phantom 2 Vision+ to help users comply with the FAA’s NOTAM 0/8326. This notice limits flights above Washington, DC. All Phantoms and other model aircraft are not permitted to fly above the city area. The...
To upgrade main controller firmware to v3.06 or above is required. For Phantom 2 users, be aware that aircraft will now automatically return to the Home point on Low Battery Level Warning. If you wish to disable the auto go-home feature, launch DJI Phantom Assistant, enter “Battery Settings...
1. 本次升级包含电池升级,确保所有智能飞行电池都更新至最新固件。 2. Phantom 3 Advanced 和Phantom 3 Professional固件版本最低可回退至 v1.5.30,Phantom 3 Standard升级过程中请勿关闭遥控器电源,请勿使用移动设备进入锁屏状态。
大疆精灵Phantom 4固件v1.1.410现已发布,DJI GO app iOS版本更新至 v2.8.2,Android版本更新至v2.8.1,请通过DJI GO app升级固件。 主要更新如下: 1. 相机支持拍照或摄像时自动关闭前臂灯功能,该功能默认为关闭,需要通过DJI GO app在”相机设置”中启用该功能。
本次固件增加了地面站功能以及特殊区域限飞功能(如机场,天安门等,特殊区域列表),如果升级此固件,代表您已经详细了解并接受该功能。因您未更新固件而导致的任何法律后果,大疆创新将不承担责任。 请使用PHANTOM 2最新版本V3.0调参软件将主控和中心板固件升级到最新版本,否则使用过程中可能会因为版本匹配问题导致PHANTOM 2...
The latest Phantom 3 4K firmware v1.2.10 has been released. User can update the firmware via DJI GO app. For further informaiton including release notes and firmware update guide, please refer to official product page: ...
DJI confirmed that just as the Phantoms you must update the firmware before you fly the Inspire for the first time. Changes have been made since the production run. PLease take heed, hate to see your new Inspire head off into the sunset the first time out. Twitter Facebook Favorite Like ...
Phantom 3 Pro/AdvDJI Phantom 3 Pro Firmware update failed Kamy2021-1-23Views (2.1K)Replies (0)|Kamy2021-1-23 Phantom 3 Pro/AdvCatch in the air and stop the propellers ( resolved) Renamire2020-10-22Views (1.4K)Replies (0)|Renamire2020-10-22 ...
Phantom 3 Battery Firmware v1.6.0040This guide assumes you were already on firmware 1.5-The update process is EXACTLY the same even if yuo wre not on 1.5 an ...