请使用PHANTOM 2最新版本V2.00调参软件将主控和中心板固件升级到最新版本,否则使用过程中可能会因为版本匹配问题导致PHANTOM 2工作异常。 声明 由于调研和确认相关法律法规,导致PHANTOM 2地面站功能延期发布,DJI官方在此正式向广大用户致以最诚挚的歉意。感谢您长久以来对DJI 大疆创新的关注和支持,DJI将致力于为您提供更...
Phantom 2和Phantom 2 Vision+新版遥控器 升级版遥控器新增云台俯仰控制拨轮,内置2000毫安时充电锂电池,电池电量指示灯,油门杆锁定以及模拟器训练口功能。该款遥控器适用于Phantom 2 Vision+和Phantom 2飞行器。配备教练口,用户可以搭配DJI Lightbridge高清图传,用于控制飞行器,或使用电脑飞行模拟软件通过教练口连接遥控...
Upgrade the main contruller and central board firmware to the latest version using PHANTOM 2 Assistant Software V2.00 otherwise there will be malfunction caused by version mismatch. Apology At DJI, we strive to provide our customers with the best products. Due to continuous R&D, we had to delay...
1)需将主控固件版本升级到3.06或以上,以配合使用。 2)Phantom 2用户,当电量下降至低电量报警值时,飞行器将自动返航。若用户不需要启用自动返航功能,请进入Phantom 2调参软件的“电池设置”页面,取消“电量报警阈值”下的“返航”选项。取消该选项后,即使电量下降至低电量报警值,飞行器将如常飞行,不启动自动返航。
dial, trainer port, built-in rechargeable LiPo battery with a capacity of 2000mAh, battery level LED indicators and throttle locking feature that holds the throttle stick in place when descending are all included. The new remote control is compatible with the Phantom 2 Vision+ and Phanto...
Phantom 2、Phantom 2 Vision及 Phantom 2 Vision+新固件v3.12 已正式发布,此次更新主要帮助用户遵守美国联邦航空管理局关于飞行限制区域的规定。规定中显示,华盛顿哥伦比亚特区为禁飞区,Phantom及其他飞行器均不可在此城市上空飞行。新固件v3.12更新了飞行限制...
DJI released new firmware v1.1.9 for Phantom 2 Vision's camera FC200! Overviews: The DJI Vision has been updated and now can be downloaded. (iOS App: v1.0.32; Android App: v1.0.38) The firmware of Phantom 2 Vision’s camera FC200 has been updated to v1.1.9. Please down...
Upgrade the main controller and central board firmware to the latest version using PHANTOM 2 Assistant V3.0 otherwise there will be malfunction caused by version mismatch. Pleaseclick herefor more information.
Upgrade the main controller and central board firmware to the latest version using PHANTOM 2 Assistant V3.0 otherwise there will be malfunction caused by version mismatch. Pleaseclick herefor more information.
Upgrade the main controller and central board firmware to the latest version using PHANTOM 2 Assistant V3.0 otherwise there will be malfunction caused by version mismatch. Pleaseclick herefor more information.