Someone had same exact issue with Mavic 2 pro not long ago and on current firmware (.510). Random guy on YouTube and everything was normal then all sudden the compass and/or IMU flipped backwards for seemingly no reason. Then when was a bit of wind it didn’t know what direction the...
I recently had a error continuously popping up while flying my Mavic Mini. It was the propeller error saying that i had to land immediately and replace the back left propellers on my drone. So i did that, but after replacement, the back left propellers are simply not able to produce enoug...
他把整个过程放了在谷歌 YouTube,当然是大数御Mini的不是,虽然跟踪他的用户只有2500人,但这个无故...
DJI technology empowers us to see the future of possible. Learn about our consumer drones like DJI Mavic 3 Pro, DJI Mini 4 Pro, DJI Air 3. Handheld products like Osmo Action 4 and Pocket 2 capture smooth photo and video. Our Ronin camera stabilizers and
我在这里说一些mini 2 在发布会没有提的升级,本人已在美国下单mavic mini 2 全能套装 根据youtube... 🎧 无人机视频的最佳音乐!!点击此处免费试用30天: ⭐ 通过这些DJI Mini 4 Pro速查表,永不忘记最佳设置 - ○ 关于DJI MINI 4 PRO的更多信息:https://click.dji....
Mini 3 Pro被试飞的视频是在开箱视频几个小时后上传的。由达伦·麦克哈迪(Darren McHardy)在YouTube频道上发布,twitter账号为@DMPRODUCTIONS。与技术细节相比,这段视频主要展示了日落时分飞机在英格兰海滩上空飞行的美丽画面。之前DJI Mavic 3无人机的用户一直都在抱怨GPS连接延迟时间过长,有些甚至超过10分钟,而...
油管Men's Game 玩物誌「4K | DJI Mini 3 PRO 最速開箱 超強功能最新體驗 可直拍抖音限動「Men's Game玩物誌」 」旅行记录 952 -- 1:27 尝试把Mavic 3玩成FPV! 184 -- 7:35 油管Matti Haapoja「4K | 最佳新手入门无人机DJI MINI 3 PRO 」旅行记录 电影质感VLOG 6319 50 20:01 【本田CBR500r...
Budwalker, I, and others are discussing this on This is clearly a PID tuning issue. P and D need to be tuned for each of the two battery types.View full quote Would you mean this thread? ... 44331/#post-1624244 or is there another...
DJIMini 3 Pro 重量低于249克,延续小身形,性能却很“Pro”,搭载1/1.3英寸传感器,具备三向环境感知能力,最长续航时间34分钟,选配长续航电池可提升至47分钟2。DJIMini 3Pro创新构型在动力、避障、云台方面经过全新布局,机身新增减阻设计并增大桨叶面积,大幅提升动力效