A lot of people seem to be spamming up all the big guitar and metal forums asking about the newest "big thing" in metal music and guitar tone, which is djent. If you're reading this article I'm sure you must know what djent is, so we'll just move on to the important part of ...
说说DJENT音色那点事儿 如果你正在看这篇文章,那么我相信你肯定知道什么是DJENT,所以我们直接转入这篇文章的重点——怎么获得让DJENT如此流行的标志性的、辨识度足够高的吉他音色。 Alotofpeopleseemtobespammingupallthebigguitarandmetalforumsaskingaboutthenewest"bigthing"inmetalmusicandguitartone,whichisdjent....
(ps:视频版本在文章最后~) 0. 核心构架 这个音色的核心构架非常简单,分为三个部分: 【中高输出电吉他】+【降噪、推子】+【金属箱头、箱体】1. 「琴的选择Guitar」首先选择一个带有双线圈(Hum… kefei软件是诈骗吗? 匿名用户 是,还有那个Leshi也是。 他会让你先交149然后再交169.2。 别问我怎么知道的。
——" Does it D***? "All guitar tone using Neural DSP Archetype : Nolly with Nolly's ' The D-Word ' presetBass : Submission Audio Djinn BassDrums : GetGood Drums P4 Matt Halpern Signature PackTuning : Drop D Likn乐生活的微博视频 小窗口 û...
Djnet音色 Djent Tone A lot of people seem to be spamming up all the big guitar and metal forums asking about the newest "big thing" in metal music and guitar tone, which is djent. If you're reading this article I'm sure you must know what djent is, so we'll just move on to ...
(ps:视频版本在文章最后~) 0. 核心构架 这个音色的核心构架非常简单,分为三个部分: 【中高输出电吉他】+【降噪、推子】+【金属箱头、箱体】1. 「琴的选择Guitar」首先选择一个带有双线圈(Hum… 学习前卫金属电吉他需要学什么。? BOHAN博涵
Tone Position: 24 Type: 17 strings fretless inlay electric guitar BodyMahogany NeckMahogany FingerboardRosewood Back/SideMahogany Suitable ForCustom 18 Strings Electric Guitar Electric Bass in Natural Wood Color PickupPassive Closed Type CustomizeOEM, ODM ...
【金属乐混音参考】Metal Mixing Guide #12 [BORN OF OSIRIS TONE] Modern Djent style 288 -- 50:06 App 【生肉】Nolly Getgood 混音大师课 part 2:Bass, guitar, and vocals 235 -- 16:57 App ★ Superior Drummer Death Metal Tone Guide ★(720p) 618 -- 1:34:01 App 【金属乐混音参考】Metal...
StevieT-Top 10 Greatest Guitar Solos. Played FAST! 上传者:S棣文TamDivise 01:57 Every kind of drummer 上传者:S棣文TamDivise 03:03 BOSS ME-25 - Metal_Djent Tone 上传者:S棣文TamDivise 05:51 Voices From The Fuselage - Inner Child (Lyric Video) 上传者:S棣文TamDivise 05:53 Dzyen Ft ...
StevieT-Top 10 Greatest Guitar Solos. Played FAST! 上传者:S棣文TamDivise 01:57 Every kind of drummer 上传者:S棣文TamDivise 03:03 BOSS ME-25 - Metal_Djent Tone 上传者:S棣文TamDivise 05:51 Voices From The Fuselage - Inner Child (Lyric Video) 上传者:S棣文TamDivise 05:53 Dzyen Ft ...