I arrived 15 minutes before starting time to help set up. Only Rick was there. The main street in the sleepy old town of Wailuku was deserted. Hmm – oh well, no pressure in that case. But quickly the others showed up, we carried drums in and set up, and people began to filter i...
Latin Drum Lessons Learn how to play latin drums and percussion on hand drums & drumset. Learn How to Play Djembe Learn how to play the djembe with djembe drum lessons. Books & dvds! Lesson 1 -Another great hand drums page by Rhythmweb! Introductory to frame drums with hand percussion ...
X8 Drums & Percussion X8-STAND Wooden Tripod Djembe Stand Straps are also a consideration if you want to move around more while you play. ThisDjembe strap by Mother Rhythmis cool and not too expensive. What Djembe Should You Buy? There are a lot of choices when it comes to buying a dj...