< input type =“text”name =“name”value =“”/> < input type =“file”name =“file”multiple /> 在我的模板中。当我点击上传,似乎 form = MyForm(request.POST,request.FILES) 只保存一个文件它是许多uloaded文件列表中的最后一个。如何能够使用表单 form = MyForm(request.POST,request.FILES)bl...
In this tutorial I will guide you through the steps to implement an AJAX multiple file upload with Django using jQuery. For this tutorial we will be using a specific plug-in calledjQuery File Upload, which takes care of the server communication using AJAX and also the compatibility with differ...
前端 html5 上传控件, 我用了jquery file upload选择多个文件之后, 然后提交请求,开启pydev debug 模式,查看request内容: 其中request.FILES 的内容为如下:MultiValueDict:<MultiValueDict:{u'myfiles':[<InMemoryUploadedFile:300x600.png(image/png)>,<InMemoryUploadedFile:todo.txt(text/plain)>]}>很明显,上...
from django.db import models class MyModel(models.Model): files = models.FileField(upload_to='uploads/') 在前端页面中,使用HTML的标签来创建文件上传表单。确保给该标签添加multiple属性,以允许选择多个文件: 代码语言:txt 复制 上传文件 在
However if you upload multiple .txt files or a mix of images and files nothing gets checked and you are able to upload .txt files in imagefields. I tried this with a fresh project and was able to reproduce the problem. This is how it looks in the sqlite db: ...
files = forms.FileField(widget=forms.ClearableFileInput(attrs={'multiple': True})) 在你的视图函数中,使用该表单类来处理文件上传: 代码语言:txt 复制 from django.shortcuts import render def upload_files(request): if request.method == 'POST': ...
Uploading multiple files¶ If you want to upload multiple files using one form field, create a subclass of the field’s widget and set itsallow_multiple_selectedclass attribute toTrue. In order for such files to be all validated by your form (and have the value of the field include them...
前端html5 上传控件, 我用了jquery file upload AI代码助手复制代码 选择多个文件之后, 然后提交请求,开启pydev debug 模式,查看request内容: 其中request.FILES 的内容为如下: MultiValueDict: <MultiValueDict: {u'myfiles': [<InMemoryUploadedFile: 300x600.png (image/png)>, <InMemoryUploadedFile: todo...
自定义上传的组件的样式fileUpload.css文件 .choose-file-clip { position: absolute; clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0); } .choose-file { padding: 5px 20px; font-size: larger; background: #2ECA8B; border-radius: 4px; color: white; ...
附上upload.html文件 <!DOCTYPE html> django多文件上传 {%csrf_token %} 开始上传 ok,运行项目就可以显示上传界面了,如下: 第四步:上传文件的逻辑处理: 附上显示图片的show.html: <!DOCTYPE html> 显示图片 {%for image in images %} ...