Django覆盖了Django为UniqueConstraint错误显示的错误消息。在Django中,UniqueConstraint用于确保数据库表中的某些列的唯一性。当违反唯一性约束时,Django会抛出IntegrityError异常,并显示默认的错误消息。 要覆盖UniqueConstraint错误消息,可以通过自定义模型的clean()方法来实现。在clean()方法中,可以检查唯一性约束是...
Django admin inline duplicate key value violates unique, In your meta description of the ToolResult class: class Meta: unique_together = ('content_type', 'object_id', 'tool') the unique together line says … Tags: duplicate key value violates unique constraint djangoduplicate key value violates...
from django.db.models import Deferrable, UniqueConstraint UniqueConstraint( name='unique_order', fields=['order'], deferrable=Deferrable.DEFERRED, ) 默认情况下,约束条件是不推迟的。推迟的约束条件在事务结束前不会被强制执行。即时约束将在每条命令后立即执行。 MySQL,MariaDB 和 SQLite。 在MySQL、Maria...
« 上一篇: Django 执行命令python makemigrations报错 TypeError: module() takes at most 2 arguments (3 given)错误 » 下一篇: Django链接redis 报错redis.exceptions.AuthenticationError: Client sent AUTH, but no password is set posted...
Django 联合唯一UniqueConstraint 2019-12-02 15:58 −... 很大的龙 0 2004 【Django】Django REST Framework简单教程 2019-12-25 12:03 −# Django REST Framework使用案例和教程 > 什么是Django REST Framework?简单说就是一款快速构建REST风格API的框架。能够以很少的代码和很简单的方式在Django项目中构建符...
UniqueConstraint¶ class UniqueConstraint(*expressions, fields=(), name=None, condition=None, deferrable=None, include=None, opclasses=(), nulls_distinct=None, violation_error_code=None, violation_error_message=None)[source]¶ Creates a unique constraint in the database. expressions¶ Unique...
MySQL中创建外键的错误:1215 Cannot add the foreign key constraint[通俗易懂]
概述:I met a problem when I convert a unique_together to the unique=True attribute.→Moving a unique constraint from unique_together to Field.unique generate an invalid migration. Thank your for your report. I guess this is a bug in the auto-detector where theAlterUniqueTogethershould appear...
The solution for this problem would be: If a TextField has a / is part of a unique constraint or has an explicit index_db=True: _always_ index an md5 or better sha256 sum of TextField columns only (note that sha256 is in pgcrypto module only). In this case: UNIQUE ("a", md5(...