Running post-migrate handlers for application scoreImprover Running post-migrate handlers for application word Running post-migrate handlers for application user Running post-migrate handlers for application admin Running post-migrate handlers for application polls Running post-migrate handlers for application ...
I followed the tutorial to understand how django works but I'm stuck in the test part. As tutorial suggest I created a file named into the app folder, the pretty straightforward file is: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-fromdjango.testimportTestCaseimportdatetimefromdjango.utilsimport...
In fact, it will run just fine with no web server running at all! That’s because it avoids the overhead of HTTP and deals directly with the Django framework. This helps make the unit tests run quickly. When retrieving pages, remember to specify the path of the URL, not the whole ...
Testing:Introduction|Writing and running tests|Included testing tools|Advanced topics Deployment:Overview|WSGI servers|ASGI servers|Deploying static files|Tracking code errors by email|Deployment checklist The admin¶ Find all you need to know about the automated admin interface, one of Django’s most...
How to resolve the "psycopg2.errors.UndefinedTable: relation "auth_user" does not exist" when running django unittests on Travis (3 answers) Django migration relation does not exist (11 answers) Closed 3 months ago. I am having trouble running unit tests in my django app when it is run...
...版本: SOUTH_TESTS_MIGRATE= False 基于元类设计的makemigrations和migratemakemigrations和migrate是两条基于元类设计的Django...本篇整合: 1、makemigrations和migrate工作原理分别是什么:makemigrations:根据检测到的模型创建新的迁移。...2、如果不想使用Django的makemigrations和migrate功能,但是不小心执行了这两个...
running services on both localhost and in a container, but neither can seem to resolve the database address. I have tried it like this: name: Deploy on: push: jobs: django-tests: runs-on: ubuntu-latest services: db: env: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD }} MYSQL... mysite\ 文件注册app stats INSTALLED_APPS=['django.contrib.admin','django.contrib.auth','django.contrib.contenttypes','django.contrib.sessions','django.contrib.messages','django.contrib.staticfiles','stats',]
I've been trying to run some functional tests (LiveServerTestCase) with Selenium for a Django app. For demonstration it's a note taking app. When I'm trying to simulate note creation, it requires authentication, so in the setup it involves going into admin dashboard, inserting credentials ...
I updated my project from 1.7.x to 1.8.2, and tests failed with the above issue. I've tried a number of solutions to fix this, and I did narrow it down to django-user-accounts. When I comment that project out, things work. I reverted bac...