首先Sitetree在适配相关风格的文档,都是通过template文件的形式实现的, 比如我们要使用bootstrap3的风格, 就需要使用诸如以下命令: {%sitetree_tree from"main"include"trunk"template"sitetree/menu_bootstrap3_navpills-stacked.html"%} 那我们可以看看这个menu_bootstrap3_navpills-stacked.html文件的内容是什么?
http://github.com/idlesign/django-sitetree What's that django-sitetree is a reusable application for Django, introducing site tree, menu and breadcrumbs navigation elements. Site structure in django-sitetree is described through Django admin interface in a so called site trees. Every item of su...
from django.conf.urls import url from django.contrib import admin from ..polls.views import index urlpatterns = [ url(r'^admin/', admin.site.urls), url('^polls/$', index), ] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 访问: ,ok! 3.include,拆分路由: 拆分上面的a...
class BinaryTreeAdmin(admin.TabularInline): model = BinaryTree def get_max_num(self, request, obj=None, **kwargs): max_num = 10 if obj and obj.parent: return max_num - 5 return max_num InlineModelAdmin.get_min_num(request, obj=None, **kwargs)¶ Returns the minimum number of ...
For example, if FORMAT_MODULE_PATH is set to mysite.formats, and current language is en (English), Django will expect a directory tree like: mysite/ formats/ __init__.py en/ __init__.py formats.py You can also set this setting to a list of Python paths, for example: FORMAT_MO...
在当前目录下,将生成django_site文件夹。其文件树结构如下: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 pi@raspberrypi ~ $ tree django_site/ django_site/ ├── django_site │ ├── __init__.py │ ├── settings.py │ ├── urls.py │ └── wsgi.py ...
def convert_2_tree(paths): root = {} for path in paths: current_level = root for part in path: if part not in current_level: current_level[part] = {} current_level = current_level[part] return root root_node = self.get_queryset().filter(lft=1).first() ...
(for any test file that is not actually a top-level module; and most Django test files are not, because they tend to be within apps) and we did not want to require everyone to specify the-toption explicitly all the time. So we walk up the directory tree looking for__init__.pyfiles...
ModelAdmin.TREENODE_DISPLAY_MODE_ACCORDION# treenode_display_mode = TreeNodeModelAdmin.TREENODE_DISPLAY_MODE_BREADCRUMBS# treenode_display_mode = TreeNodeModelAdmin.TREENODE_DISPLAY_MODE_INDENTATION# use TreeNodeForm to automatically exclude invalid parent choicesform=TreeNodeFormadmin.site.register(...
admin.site.register(Mysql) admin.site.register(MysqlRelation) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 使用django admin创建一个树状的关系结构,到这时models的工作已经做好了,下面我们准备用bootstrap-treeview这个前端插件来展示这个树状结构,本文只是以一个root的树为例讲解,多root的以后再说了。