You can use the sites framework in your Django views to do particular things based on the site in which the view is being called. For example: fromdjango.confimportsettingsdefmy_view(request):ifsettings.SITE_ID==3:# Do something.passelse:# Do something else.pass ...
确保你已经安装了sitesframework。 (注意:站点地图应用不会安装任何数据库表。它需要进入INSTALLED_APPS的唯一原因是为了让Loader()模板加载器能够找到默认模板。) 初始化¶ views.sitemap(request,sitemaps,section=None,template_name='sitemap.xml',content_type='application/xml')¶ ...
django.contrib.auth: 身份验证系统 django.contrib.contenttypes: 内容类型框架 django.contrib.sessions session:框架 django.contrib.sites: 网站管理框架 django.contrib.messages: 消息框架 django.contrib.staticfiles:静态文件管理框架、: 创建的app文件 rest_framework、django_filters、drf_spectacular: 下载...
Django is a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Built by experienced developers, it takes care of much of the hassle of web development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel. It’s free and open...
INSTALLED_APPS=[...'rest_framework',#配置 rest_framework app...] 3.安装pycharm 下载JDK 解压 输入命令:tar zvxf jdk-8u131-linux-x64.tar.gz 创建jvm文件 输入命令:sudo mkdir /usr/lib/jvm 移动到/usr/lib/jvm下 输入命令:sudo mv jdk1.8.0_131/ /usr/lib/jvm/注意:如果没有jvm文件,执行该...
Consumer keys, tokens make use of the Django sites framework. This is especially helpful for larger multi-domain projects, but also allows for for easy switching between a development (localhost) and production setup without messing with your settings and database. ...
STATICSITEMAPS_MOCK_SITE True|False setting if you want to mock the Django sites framework. Useful if you want to use package without enabling django.contrib.sites. Defaults to False. STATICSITEMAPS_MOCK_SITE_NAME URL of the site your mocking. This is what will show up in your sitemap as ...
Django-sites-ext Posted on 2024年11月16日 at 15:23 by bmihelac blog RSS Read this post in contextDjango app name translation in admin Posted on 2024年11月16日 at 15:23 by bmihelac blog RSS "Django app name translation in admin" is small drop-in django application that overrides ...
Using a web framework helps you build websites more easily because it provides a defined structure. Even if you switch between different web frameworks, most of them use a common design pattern calledMVC (Model-View-Controller), making it easier for you to adapt and learn new ones. ...
Django 官方进阶文档:深入探讨 Django 的高级主题,包括表单、认证、REST API 等。Django REST framework 官方文档:学习如何使用 Django 构建 RESTful API。课程:Django 3 - Full Stack Websites with Python Web Development:Udemy 上的课程,涵盖从基础到高级的 Django 开发知识。实战项目:尝试构建一些实际的项目...