在Django中,可以使用内置的EmailMessage类来创建并发送HTML邮件。以下是一个示例代码: 代码语言:txt 复制 from django.core.mail import EmailMessage def send_email_with_html_template(): subject = '邮件主题' body = '邮件正文' from_email = '发件人邮箱' to_email = ['收件人邮箱1', '收件人邮箱2'...
When additional email sending functionality is needed, use EmailMessage or EmailMultiAlternatives. For example, to send a multipart email that includes both HTML and plain text versions with a specific template and custom headers, you can use the following approach: from django.core.mail import Ema...
sendtestemail¶ django-admin sendtestemail [email [email ...]]¶ 向指定的收件人发送一封测试邮件(确认通过 Django 发送邮件是否正常)。例如: django-admin sendtestemail foo@example.com bar@example.com 有几个选项,你可以将它们任意组合在一起使用: --managers¶ 使用mail_managers() 向MANAGERS...
send_templated_mail(template_name='welcome',from_email='from@example.com',recipient_list=['to@example.com'],context={'pikachu_image':inline_image}) Finally in your template add the image on the html template block: <imgsrc="{{ pikachu_image }}"> ...
了解Django中Template的使用 让HTML、CSS等参与网页建立 利用静态文件应用网页样式 一、Template的使用 Template是Django利用渲染器将模板文件与数据内容结合,完成网页整合的方式。 1、Template的建立 在项目文件夹(manage.py所在路径)内,建立templates文件夹。
2324fromqcloudsms_pyimportSmsSingleSender25fromqcloudsms_py.httpclientimportHTTPError2627ssender =SmsSingleSender(appid, appkey)28#params = ["姜畅", "【杜鹏】"] # 当模板没有参数时,`params = []`29try:30result = ssender.send_with_param(86, phone_numbers[0], template_id, params, sign=sms...
网络工程师的Django之路 --第六课 (Template模板和HTML文件)_哔哩哔哩_bilibiliwww.bilibili.com/video/BV1Tg411g7om/ 一、快速回顾 我们先快速回顾一下,项目的几个目录如下: PyCharm 项目路径:C:\django_self_practise\venv Python 虚拟环境:C:\django_self_practise Django 项目路径:C:\django_self_pract...
If you want to send an email with attachments: from django.core.files.base import ContentFile from post_office import mail mail.send( ['recipient1@example.com'], 'from@example.com', template='welcome_email', context={'foo': 'bar'}, priority='now', attachments={ 'attachment1.doc': '...
['POST'])defhello():name = request.form.get('name')ifname:print('Request for hello page received with name=%s'% name)returnrender_template('hello.html', name = name)else:print('Request for hello page received with no name or blank name -- redirecting')returnredirect(url_for('index'...
When you write a view like this, Django will make assumptions in the background, such as the name and location of the template to render by the view. Create Your Templates With templates, you can generate HTML dynamically. Django expects the templates for the class-based views you just crea...