When trying to send a EMail with attachment, it always failed with the following Exception: 'bytes' object has no attribute 'encode' At first I thought this is a bug in django-post-office or a duplicate of this bug: https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/24623 ...
#下面的代码都是我个人新增的,不是djano框架默认生成的;#1.1.配置qq邮箱信息EMAIL_BACKEND ='django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'#值必须为这个EMAIL_USE_SSL = True#SSL加密方式,值必须为TrueEMAIL_HOST ='smtp.qq.com'#发送邮件的qq邮箱的SMTP服务器EMAIL_PORT = 465#QQ邮箱对应的SMTP服务器端口EM...
email sending process. Tried sending a simple email without attachment, but still no success. Checked Gmail account security settings, including enabling "Less secure app access" and using an App Password. ** Questions: ** What might be causing the email to not be sent or appear ...
att1["Content-Type"] ='application/octet-stream'#这里的filename可以任意写,写什么名字,邮件中显示什么名字att1["Content-Disposition"] ='attachment; filename="test.txt"'msg.attach(att1)#构造附件2,with open('test.png','rb') as f:#设置附件的MIME和文件名,这里是png类型:mime = MIMEBase('ima...
attachment = request.FILES['attachment'] attachment_path = '/tmp/' + attachment.name with open(attachment_path, 'wb+') as destination: for chunk in attachment.chunks(): destination.write(chunk) email_message = EmailMessage(subject, message, email, ['recipient@example.com']) email_message.at...
These can be instances of MIMEBase or EmailAttachment, or a tuple with attributes (filename, content, mimetype). Changed in Django 5.2: Support for EmailAttachment items of attachments were added. headers: A dictionary of extra headers to put on the message. The keys are the header name,...
close() return pdf def send_email_with_pdf(): # 生成PDF pdf = generate_pdf() # 创建邮件对象 email = EmailMessage( 'PDF Attachment', 'Please see the attached PDF.', 'sender@example.com', ['recipient@example.com'] ) # 添加PDF附件 email.attach('document.pdf', pdf, 'application/pdf...
Attachment: wireshark_smtp_packet_1-6-5_good.txt added Good dump of package sniffing from Django 1.6.5 by contact@…, 11年 ago Attachment: wireshark_smtp_packet_1-7-1_bad.txt added Dump of package malformed sniffing from Django 1.7 c1 comment...
If you want to send an email with attachments: from django.core.files.base import ContentFile from post_office import mail mail.send( ['recipient1@example.com'], 'from@example.com', template='welcome_email', context={'foo': 'bar'}, priority='now', attachments={ 'attachment1.doc': '...