fromdjango.core.mailimportsend_mailsend_mail('Subject here','Here is the message.','',[''],fail_silently=False,) 邮件是通过 SMTP 主机和端口发送的,由配置项EMAIL_HOST和EMAIL_PORT指定。如果配置了EMAIL_HOST_USER和EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD,那么它们将被用来验证 SMTP 服务...
send_mail(u'邮件标题', u'邮件内容','', [''], fail_silently=False) 在测试环境使用如上配置,就可以发送邮件了,看来得翻翻源码才能发现问题。 原作者使用如下的方法发送邮件: #!/usr/bin/env python#-*- coding: UTF-8 -*-fromdjango.core.mailimportEmailMessageimport...
from django.core.mail import send_mail send_mail( "Subject here", "Here is the message.", "", [""], fail_silently=False, ) When additional email sending functionality is needed, use EmailMessage or EmailMultiAlternatives. For example, to send a multipart ...
我们还可以调用 mail 的 send_mass_mail 方法实现一次性发送多条消息,demo 如下: fromdjango.core.mailimportsend_mass_mail message1=('Subject here','Here is the message','',['','']) message2=('Another Subject','Here is another message','from...
EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend' EMAIL_HOST = '' EMAIL_PORT = 587 EMAIL_USE_TLS = True EMAIL_HOST_USER = '' EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'your_email_password' 在配置了电子邮件服务器设置之后,可以使用send_mail()函数发送电子邮件。
创建邮件内容:在需要发送邮件的地方,可以使用Django的EmailMessage类来创建邮件内容。例如,可以使用以下代码创建一个简单的邮件内容: 代码语言:txt 复制 from django.core.mail import EmailMessage email = EmailMessage( 'Subject', # 邮件主题 'Body', # 邮件正文 '', # 发件人邮箱 [...
新增配置 EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = '16位 app password' 之后 def sendMail(): send_mail( "Subject here", "Here is the message.", "", [""], fail_silently=False, ) sendMail() Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account...
EmailMessage类使用以下参数(如果使用位置参数则需要按给定顺序设置)初始化。所有参数都是可选的,并且可以在调用send()方法之前的任何时间设置。 subject:电子邮件的主题。 body:正文文本。应该是纯文本消息。 from_email:发件人地址。fred@example.com和Fred <>两种格式都是合法的。如果省略,则使用...
connection=connection, ) email1.send() email2 = mail.EmailMessage('Hello','Body goes here','', [''], ) email3 = mail.EmailMessage('Hello','Body goes here','', [''], ) connection.send_messages([email2, email3]) con...
send_messages Thesend_messagesmethod is an alternative tosend_mass_mail. It opens a connection for the first email and uses it to send the following ones. After that, you close the connection manually. Check out the example below. from django.core import mail ...