在代码块内部,使用 {% for question in latest_question_list %} 循环遍历 latest_question_list 中的每个元素,并执行循环体内的代码 循环体内的代码 {{ question.question_text }} 会生成一系列的列表项,并根据 question 对象的属性生成链接和显示文本 在循环结束后,会执行 {% else %} 后面的代码块,它表示当...
和request对象一样,django-rest-framework也对其进行了很实用的拓展,在上一个版本中,我们导入了JsonResponse用于返回json格式的响应。 也就是说,在return的时候就需要指明json格式,这样显得很不实用而且很单一,所以经过拓展后的Reponse对象就很方便了,它会根据客户端的请求头部信息来确定正确的内容类型以返回给客户端。
使用mixin类可以让我们重写view时写更少的代码,但我们还可以更进一步,REST framework提供了一系列已经mixed-in的泛型view供我们使用。 1fromsnippets.modelsimportSnippet2fromsnippets.serializersimportSnippetSerializer3fromrest_frameworkimportgenerics45classSnippetList(generics.ListCreateAPIView):6model =Snippet7serializer...
urlpatterns += patterns('', url(r'^api-auth/', include('rest_framework.urls', namespace='rest_framework')), ) 具体的,r'^api-auth/'部分可以用任何你想用的URL来替代。这里唯一的限制就是 urls 必须使用'rest_framework'命名空间。 现在如果你打开浏览器,刷新页面会看到页面右上方的 'Login' 链接。
Django is a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Built by experienced developers, it takes care of much of the hassle of web development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel. It’s free and open...
Django 采用了 MVT 的软件设计模式,即模型(Model),视图(View)和模板(Template)。 谁适合阅读本教程? 本教程适合有 Python 基础的开发者学习。 学习本教程前你需要了解 学习本教程前你需要了解一些基础的 Web 知识及Python 2.x 基础教程或Python 3.x 基础教程。 Django 版本对应的 Python 版本:...
(django_rest_framework) [root@localhost tutorial]# python manage.py createsuperuser Username (leave blank to use 'root'): user_1 Email address: user_1@gmail.com Password: Password (again): Superuser created successfully. (django_rest_framework) [root@localhost tutorial]# python manage.py crea...
Django is a high-level Python framework designed for rapid, secure, and scalable web development. Django includes rich support for URL routing, page templates, and working with data.In this Django tutorial, you create a simple Django app with three pages that use a common base template. You ...
In this Python tutorial, I will show youhow to perform JWT authentication using Django Rest Framework. Also, you will understand“What is JWT with its structure?”and how it works in detail. Additionally, you will implement all the JWT concepts by building the small Django project. ...
If you want to know more about Django, then read this tutorialDjango framework in Python. Pyramid vs. Django: What is a Pyramid The Pyramid is thelightweight frameworkfor developingsmaller and larger projects. Pyramid comes with enormous features and the developer can use these features according...