Repository files navigation README machine-learning-with-django Here I am uploading my practice ml project. I have trained a model for traffic sign recognition with 97% accuracy but I did not have the locator so I developed this tiny web app to test my AI/ML model.About...
我们在learning_logs文件夹中新建文件夹templates,同时在templates文件夹中新建文件夹learning_logs。在这个文件夹中我们新建html文件,并将其命名为index.html。 我们在index.html中写入如下信息: Learning Log Learning Log helps you keep track of your learning, for any topic you're learning about. 1. 2. 3....
Django CMS ( (
pip3 install djangorestframework pip3 install markdown # Markdown support for the browsable API. pip3 install django-filter # Filtering support 并把它添加到INSTALLED_APPS在backend/server/server/ INSTALLED_APPS = [ 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.content...
使用Django 框架搭建学习平台,实现KNN、ID3、C4.5、SVM、朴素贝叶斯、BP神经网络等算法及流程管理 - zhangyahang/VisualizationOfMachineLearning
Disease Diagnosis Django Framework using Machine LearningMayank, MrinalSavaniya, UkshitGawate, MahakThakur, PayalGrenze International Journal of Engineering & Technology (GIJET)
One project can contain different applications for different features, for instance, entire home page can be an application, user profile can be a separate application, etc. Without much delay, let us see how to create an application. Interested in learning Django? Enroll in our Django Course ...
I am developing a medical app that uses sci-kit for machine learning. I have developed a Python file for the logic of my app. It takes input a couple of times from the command line and then uses the responses to predict what disease a user is suffering from. The problem I'm having ...
For this article, however, we would use Postgres as our database, as Postgres is better suited for production builds. Django comes packaged with a great admin dashboard. With the admin dashboard, we can register users to our application, who can then interact with our ...
Building theDjangoCommunity for19 年,6 月. Come join us! Django community:RSS This page, updated regularly, aggregates Django Q&A from the Django community. How to insert links into a js file in django so that the function changes the style files?