前端项目结构(Vue.js) myfrontend/├── public/│ ├── index.html│ └── favicon.ico├── src/│ ├── assets/│ ├── components/│ ├── router/│ ├── store/│ ├── views/│ ├── App.vue│ └── main.js├── .browserslistrc├── .eslintrc.js├── .giti...
Streaming Audio Files from Django Backend to Vue.js Frontend Posted on 2021年9月22日 at 15:48 byStack OverflowRSS I'm currently building a soundboard for our Pen and Paper session and I am loading the sounds as a static source from my Django backend as new Audio(data.url). I am simply...
Lint on save with ESLint for frontend (VSCode) Auto fix on lint with Vue Linting on push with Github Actions Deploying Backend On Heroku Python Decouple for config vars Change database settings Adding a Procfile Configuring your Django app Deploying Frontend On Firebase Hosting your frontend Ad...
I have Variable : unit = 'BARS' i pass this value into frontend using Django template I want to get 'bar' I use {{ unit|slice":4"|lower }} but it doesn't work . Read this post in context Django - How can I make an if statement using step_number and another Javascript function...
.rts2_cache_es/ .rts2_cache_umd/ # Optional REPL history .node_repl_history # Output of 'npm pack' *.tgz # Yarn Integrity file .yarn-integrity # dotenv environment variables file .env .env.test # parcel-bundler cache (https://parceljs.org/) ...
$ create-react-app frontend $ cd frontend $ yarn eject 提示:运行 yarn eject 之前必须要提交所有 git 修改,因为它会更改你的文件和添加目录,怕你丢失之前的修改 接下来我们安装一些依赖: 代码语言:javascript 复制 $ npm install--save-dev babel-preset-es2015 babel-preset-stage-3$ npm install--save ...
执行vue init webpack epimetheus-frontend 根据提示填写项目信息: ?Projectname epimetheus-frontend ?Projectdescription A Vue.jsproject ? Author yunan.zhang <zhangyunan@91jinrong.com> ? Vue build standalone ?Installvue-router? Yes ? Use ESLint to lint your code? Yes ...
pip-compile requirements.in -o requirements.txt And for frontend dependencies: ./scripts/yarn upgrade Remember to do docker-compose build after updating backend or frontend dependencies. Before your first Git commit, set up pre-commit hooks: pre-commit install Authentication Django-allauth is us...
$ create-react-app frontend $cdfrontend $ yarn eject 提示:运行yarn eject之前必须要提交所有 git 修改,因为它会更改你的文件和添加目录,怕你丢失之前的修改 接下来我们安装一些依赖: $ npm install --save-dev babel-preset-es2015 babel-preset-stage-3 ...
使用vue-cli命令生成项目,命令格式为:vue init webpack Vue-Project, 这里为vue init webpack epimetheus-frontend, 首先找个存在代码的文件夹,这里先创建一个epimetheus文件夹 进入epimetheus文件夹 执行vue init webpack epimetheus-frontend 根据提示填写项目信息: ...