**extra_fields) user.save(using=self._db) return user def create_superuser(self, portal_user_id, email=None, **extra_fields): return self._create_user(portal_user_id, email, **extra_fields) class User(AbstractBaseUser): password = None last_login = None objects = UserManager() .....
背景:重写django的系统User后,使用createsupperuser创建用户失败 由于项目需要扩展django默认新的auth.User系统(添加两个字段:头像、简介等字段),因此就重写了django的默认User类,重写后使用createsupperuser死活创建不了supperuser,提示以下错误: E:\Work\django\myblog>manage.py createsuperuser --username=joe --emai...
I'm using the below versions: python=3.7 django==2.2 django-tenant-schemas=1.10.0 When I try to apply this command as mentioned in the latest documentaion here: ./manage.py createsuperuser --username=admin --schema=customer1 the below er...
Create UserTo be able to log into the admin application, we need to create a user.This is done by typing this command in the command view:py manage.py createsuperuser Which will give this prompt:Username:Here you must enter: username, e-mail address, (you can just pick a fake e-...
If you need to create a user to login with, use the createsuperuser command. By default, logging in to the admin requires that the user has the is_staff attribute set to True. Finally, determine which of your application’s models should be editable in the admin interface. For each of...
Django.is_superuser字段权限 、、、 默认情况下,通过运行manage.py createsuperuser命令,我可以从项目目录创建超级用户,但.is_superuser标志是区分超级用户或其他用户的默认django标志。相反,我在我的userprofile models中添加了一个字段,该字段为.is_primary_user。有没有办法控制它,这样如果我运行createsuperuser ...
django-admin createsuperuser¶ DJANGO_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD¶ This command is only available if Django’s authentication system (django.contrib.auth) is installed. Creates a superuser account (a user who has all permissions). This is useful if you need to create an initial superuser account...
File"D:\Dpan\Class_Software\Miniconda3\envs\meiduo\lib\site-packages\django\contrib\auth\management\commands\createsuperuser.py", line63,inexecu tereturnsuper(Command, self).execute(*args, **options) File"D:\Dpan\Class_Software\Miniconda3\envs\meiduo\lib\site-packages\django\core\management\...
The steps are to first right-click the DjangoPolls project in Solution Explorer, select the Python > Django Migrate command. Then, right-click the project again, select the Python > Django Create Superuser command, and follow the prompts. (If ...