def file_iterator(file, chunk_size=512): with open(file) as f: while True: c = if c: yield c else: break file = "big_file.pdf" response = StreamingHttpResponse(file_iterator(file)) response['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream' response['Content-Dispositio...
http import StreamingHttpResponse def download_file(request): def file_iterator(file, chunk_size=512): with open(file) as f: while True: c = if c: yield c else: break file = "big_file.pdf" response = StreamingHttpResponse(file_iterator(file)) response['Content-...
Returns True if the uploaded file is big enough to require reading in multiple chunks. By default this will be any file larger than 2.5 megabytes, but that’s configurable; see below. UploadedFile.chunks(chunk_size=None)¶ A generator returning chunks of the file. If multiple_chunks() is...
配置nginx php上传大文件
from`Django`.httpimportStreaming`HttpResponse`defbig_file_download(request):# do something...deffile_iterator(file_name, chunk_size=512):withopen(file_name)asf:whileTrue: c = ="file_name.txt"response = Streaming`HttpResponse`(file_iterato...
(写在临时文件) -> 上传文件大于 FILE_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE 且 小于 DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZEFILE_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE= 2621440#i.e. 2.5 MB#Maximum size in bytes of request data (excluding file uploads) that will be#read before a SuspiciousOperation (RequestDataTooBig) is raised.#...
The maximum size in bytes that a request body may be before a SuspiciousOperation (RequestDataTooBig) is raised. The check is done when accessing request.body or request.POST and is calculated against the total request size excluding any file upload data. You can set this to None to disable...
Channels was released a few days ago (kudos and thank you for the maintainance effort!) and we noticed a breaking change in our application. Large file uploads that were working before are now failing, and understand it's related to this...
数字 18、models.SmallIntegerField 数字 数据库中的字段有:tinyint、smallint、int、bigint 19、models.TextField 字符串=longtext 20、models.TimeField 时间 HH:MM[:ss[.uuuuuu]] 21、models.URLField 字符串,地址正则表达式 22、models.BinaryField 二进制 23、models.ImageField 图片 24、models.FilePath...
- bigint自增列,必须填入参数 primary_key=True 注:当model中如果没有自增列,则自动会创建一个列名为id的列 from django.db import models class UserInfo(models.Model): # 自动创建一个列名为id的且为自增的整数列 username = models.CharField(max_length=32) ...