'password2': 'abcdef123456' } self.response = self.client.post(url, data) self.home_url = reverse('home') # ... 之前的测试单元依然能够通过,因为SignUpForm继承了UserCreationForm,这是一个UserCreationForm的实例。 现在让我们想一会发生了什么。我们增加一个新的表单域: fields = ('username', '...
Enter your desired username and press enter. Username: admin You will then be prompted for your desired email address: Email address: admin@example.com The final step is to enter your password. You will be asked to enter your password twice, the second time as a confirmation of the first....
在登录页面,我们需要一个带有username和password的表单, 一个登录的按钮和可跳转到注册页面和密码重置页面的链接。 在注册页面,我们应该有包含四个字段的表单:username,email address, password和password confirmation。同时,也应该有一个能够访问登录页面链接。 在密码重置页面上,只有email address字段的表单。 之后,用户...
Go ahead and create an admin user: Shell (venv) $ python manage.py createsuperuser Username: admin Email address: admin@example.com Password: 1234 Password (again): 1234 Superuser created successfully. Adjusting Django’s password validators like this makes exploring the authentication system ...
-right"> <a href="#">Forgot Password</a> </div> This is the form. def login(request): if request.method == "POST": username = request.POST['username'] password = request.POST['password'] user = authenticate(request, username=...
password=models.CharField(max_length=32) email=models.CharField(max_length=50) #classMeta: #db_table=polls_users#指定表名 把应用加入settings.py文件的installed_app项,编辑mysite/settings.py文件,并将项目应用文件名添加到该INSTALLED_APPS设置。 INSTALLED_APPS=[ django.contrib.admin, django.contrib.auth...
-right"> <a href="#">Forgot Password</a> </div> This is the form. def login(request): if request.method == "POST": username = request.POST['username'] password = request.POST['password'] user = authenticate(request, username=...
for="password">Username Password
Username or email address Password Forgot password? Password login alternatives Sign in with a passkey New to GitHub? Create an account Terms Privacy Docs Contact GitHub Support Manage cookies Do not share my personal information GooeyAI / gooey-server Public Notifications Fork 2 Star 13...
1) 美化admin后台 2)美化页面 一、产品细节完善 1) 设置站点标题,在项目目录下的url.py加上如下代码 代码语言:javascript 复制 from django.utils.translation import gettext as _ # 国际化 # 国际化 网页标题 admin.site.site_header = _('霍格沃兹学院') # 变成key 对于其他语言的value # 国际化 网站标题...