djay’s acclaimed user interface has won multiple Apple Design Awards for excellence in design and ease of use. Building on that foundation, the new djay offers the most intuitive yet powerful interface we’ve ever made: a classic turntable and a mixer setup, an immersive Automix view with go...
MegaSeg is professional Mac DJ & radio automation playout software, with easy mixing, music and event scheduling, Apple's and iTunes integrations, live assist, play logs, video, and rules for powerful media control.
MegaSeg is professional Mac DJ & radio automation playout software, with easy mixing, music and event scheduling, Apple's and iTunes integrations, live assist, play logs, video, and rules for powerful media control.
MegaSeg is professional Mac DJ & radio automation playout software, with easy mixing, music and event scheduling, Apple's and iTunes integrations, live assist, play logs, video, and rules for powerful media control.
DJ Mixer Professional is the best DJ mixing software for Mac and Windows, Supports audio, karaoke and video mixing, automatic DJ mixing, one-click beat-matching, and etc.
3.打开Platone Studio StraightSet软件,点击左下角的“YOU CAN NORMALIZE ONLY 5 SONGS. CLICK HERE TO BUY THE FULL VERSION!” 按钮,把SOFTWARE REQUEST CODE:的内容拷贝并粘贴到注册Requrest Code:输入框里面,然后点击“Generate”按钮生成激活码 4.把注册机生成的激活码拷贝并粘贴到 插件激活码输入框里面,然后...
rekordbox 是一款 DJ 软件,运用人工智能、云技术和自动化技术帮助实现舒适的 DJ 工作流程。支持多种音乐流媒体服务。立即免费下载!
MegaSeg Pro DJ software for Mac has powerful features for professional mobile and club DJs or VJs, with blazing-fast access and elegant management of your media library, including integrated Apple Music app and iTunes playlists. Experience streamlined workflows from live to automatic mixing. Quickly...
djay - #1 DJ app for iPad, iPhone, and Android. djay Pro - professional DJ software for Mac and Windows.
Powerful pro DJ mixing applications for Mac, PC and iPad. Mix audio, video and karaoke with ease. MIDI controllers, audio and video effects and many more