They have added held notes where you must hold down a button for a certain amount of time and added in held scratches where you must hold a button and scratch in one motion for the duration of the note. The biggest change to the game play is the freestyle notes and cross fades. Now...
Although it’s not the only set I’ve been using, the 3-year old HDJ-2000 pair I have still retains the same level of flexibility and movement in all areas, and aside from a few cosmetic scratches and grime ground into the brushed metal of the outer ear cups, they’re none the wors...
Reddit 邮件 嵌入代码 转至固定链接 Now I can rock doubles! 😎😅#notforsale #bonnievillie #getready #nowrecords #washingtondc #funk #soul #fortyfives #djswhodig #rare #45s #thebonnievillie #thebonnevilles #richmondva #rva #zekeandthesoulsetters #soulsetters #jobetemusic #adavidfitzgera...