Best dj press kit freelance services online. Outsource your dj press kit project and get it quickly done and delivered remotely online
上期我们讲了新人DJ应该怎么做个人的简历,那不知道有没有同学已经跟着做好的,可以私信我交作业哈,我也会帮你看看有没有需要修改的。 今天我们来讲讲DJ Press Kit,Press Kit就是你的宣传资料包,是你需要给到甲方爸爸的东西,是你自己的“个人营销”。 Press Kit,你一定要准备充足,就是要细心认真对待,不要让主...
今天我们来讲讲DJ Press Kit,Press Kit就是你的宣传资料包,是你需要给到甲方爸爸的东西,是你自己的“个人营销”。 Press Kit,你一定要准备充足,就是要细心认真对待,不要让主办方店家一直问你催你,这个有没有,那个有没有,这样会很不专业。 下面就来介绍一下,Press Kit里面都要准备些什么。 第一、个人简历(...
以下是Press Kit中需要准备的内容:1. 个人简历(PDF/PPT):这是基本的宣传材料,主办方在推广时可以直接使用,避免再向你询问。2. 演出照片:高清晰度的照片,让观众清晰辨识你的形象。重点在于个人特色,让人记住你。3. GIF动图:制作有趣的GIF动图,可以增加推广效果。推荐使用SOOGIF网站或ScreenT...
Nationally recognized event DJ, serving greater Cincinnati since 1992. For booking information visit
To control deck three simply press the “3 Deck” button in the left deck and vice versa for controlling the fourth deck. Further, this assigns the jog wheels, mixer control, library and transport to deck three and four. Jog wheels are the heart component of any Turntable. In DDJ-SB2 ...
Cavida Press Kit
Cavida Press Kit
Press “Somewhere out there, a future producer has a brilliant idea that they don't know how to get out of their head and into the digital format.” — Aimerie in “...this is the kind of dubstep set you'd play to convince someone who doesn't think they like dubstep that they act...
Through his experience Tudor has learned how to create an amazing atmosphere wherever he plays. Press kit: DJ sets and mixes: ...