Best Michigan DJ for a Wedding! Check out our 2024 cost for affordable Wedding DJ and Photo Booth rental packages now!
Get Access to your DJ Wedding Scriptsso you can easily emcee your first 200 guest weddinglike a pro! Discover the little tips & tricks you can do throughout the night to get your client & your guests to eat right out of the palm of your hands! (Guaranteed to get a bigger tip!) Lea...
While you think that your sold out night at the biggest venue in town should serve as proof positive of your greatness as a DJ, this is one of those wedding DJ tips that new wedding DJs often overlook. It is important—to the bride, usually—that you have some satisfied customers willing...
10 Tips For Hosting Virtual Wedding Shows And Closing The Sale As a member of Toastmasters for the past year, I've [...] How To Stream Your DJ Sets Live On Facebook And Twitch I get commissions for purchases made through links in this [...] ...
All of your selected music will be sent to you for approval Our DJs will speak and dress professionally We do not make jokes on the microphone Our DJs will accept song requests at your wedding We do not drink alcohol or smoke at your wedding ...
Another good choice for new mobile/wedding DJs: IDJ Pool They say:“Servicing DJs since 1985 (we are the oldest record pool). We deliver the hits faster than any other DJ service. There are no contracts and no minimum commitment. Original versions and remixes. Fast downloading with bulk dow...
Dance, Urban, Rock, Pop, Country, AC, Christian, Gospel, Jazz & Holiday Unlimited Downloads Highest Quality MP3 320k DRM-Free DJ Intro & DJ Outro Edits and Remixes Clean Version & Explicit Version No Comments or Ratings Required No Minimum Commitment No Contracts ...
Once you connect with a Wedding DJ company, consider asking the following questions: What is the total price for my Wedding? Include the planned hours and any potential to go longer as well as travel fee or any other fees. Make sure you know what’s included in the price and what other...
The whole DJ culture thing has matured hugely, as yesterday’s teenagers become today’s adults. After all, arguably DJ culture has been a “thing” for 40-odd years now! For instance, nowadays even wedding DJs are expected to be able to mix, because couples getting married partied to “...
How to switch from the way you do it now to the “new” way – All the tips, tricks and advice you need to make the transition smoothly from your current methods into the modern way of DJing 31 “done for you” transitions, which you can take and use in your own sets immediately ...