Sample music for dancing including dancing favorites, oldies, country, classic rock, new wave, recent hits, top 40, slow songs, christian, latin, hip hop, and rap
Ask about my Rhode Island Wedding DJ and Rhode Island Party DJ Guarantee! Clint EastwoodFrankie ValliFrankie Valli & The Four SeasonsOldies DJRhode Island Oldies DJ Aside DJ Mystical Michael was featured yesterday onBridal GuideWedding Tip of the Day. Tip of the Day:Looking forward to dancing t...
Best Country Singer From New Jersey: Clint Black New Jersey Roots: Born in New Jersey, but raised in Texas. Who Did He Beat?: Richard Sterban of the Oak Ridge Boys, Mary Chapin Carpenter, Breland. Notes: Despite its population, very little country talent has come out of New Jersey. Yo...