CMP-100-- DJ CD USB MP3 Player with Remote ꄴLast:CMP-980RUSB--Single CD USB SD Audio DJ Player ꄲNext:E Series-- Active Studio Audio Monitor Speakers Feature: Compatible with CD, CD-R, MP3 with full DJ control. Full viewing direction display with ID3 TAG...
Professional dual DJ CD and MP3 player,with USB 2.0 interface.Due to the combined device access technology (CDA), both drives can access the same USB reproduction medium simultaneously. Thus, e.g. pre-fader listening to the tracks is possible during the current reproduction without having to ...
特别的是,对于Turntable 12英寸黑胶唱片(LP)来说,专用唱机还需要具备Pitch速度校正功能,这是CD播放器所不具备的特性。总的来说,选择CD Player还是传统唱机,取决于你对DJ技术的追求和实际需求。两者都有其独特的魅力和适用场景,理解并掌握它们各自的优点,将有助于你在DJ道路上更进一步。
Pro DJ CD player Page 1/1prev next Clickto select products and contact the supplier. Selected Products (0/20) DJ CD Player (CDJ4500) 1 Product Categories mixing console (1) powered mixer (1) Pro DJ CD player (1) Power Amplifier (1) Magic Karaoke (2) Wireless Microphone (1) Meeting...
接歌最基本的方法之一,所谓叠歌就是利用专用唱盘及 CD Player 可调速功能(Pitch),将要接的两首歌调至速度一样(唱盘及 CD Player 上有加减速度装置),然后利用抓 Cue 点步骤,将两首歌同时间播放,约叠 2~4 个小节后将两首歌 Fade In/Fade Out,如 Underworld 的“Born Slippy”的 BPM 约 139 拍,PF ...
Designed for DJs by DJs and drawing inspiration from our industry standard CDJ-1000 series, the CDJ-400 is a flexible, affordable performance player for the aspiring club DJ to use at home. The CDJ-400 allows you to play your MP3 collection off CD-R/RW discs as well as music from mass...
Designed for DJs by DJs and drawing inspiration from our industry standard CDJ-1000 series, the CDJ-400 is a flexible, affordable performance player for the aspiring club DJ to use at home. The CDJ-400 allows you to play your MP3 collection off CD-R/RW discs as well as music from mass...
现今,先锋CDJ-100S和CDJ-200在全世界赢得了广泛的赞誉,特别适合初学者在家中提升DJ技巧。而DJ使用的音乐载体种类也在不断增加,从CD到CD-R/W光盘,USB闪存中储存的MP3和其他音乐格式,要求兼容性更强的设备来适应。 为了满足这些要求,先锋推出CDJ-400,这款CD Player可以兼容MP3格式的音乐,并且能够播放CD-R/RW和...
低价出售i自用DJ控制器Numark Mixdeck MP3/CD/MP Player 超级一体机,识货的来,不认识的绕道!!!4500.机器九成新,价格可小刀。。。经过漫长的等待,Numark的 这款最新的 CD、midi,数码一体机Mixdeck终于马上就能和我们见面了,7000元的售价,虽然要比预计的高了不少,但还是性价比十足,相当的有吸引力。NUMARK2010年最...
9.支持麦克风、转盘、CD Player 10.支持外部 DJ 控制(无需设定)及混音器 11.可模拟黑胶唱片之刮划、速度调整、反向播放效果 12.样本播放器(取样器) 13.支持 Timecode 黑胶或 CD 及类比输入 14.可套用 8 种不同的音效 (Reverse, Brake, AutoPan, Flanger, Phaser, Reverb, Echo, Delay) ...