A natural comedian, Gillespie was also a superb scat singer and occasionally played Latin percussion for the fun of it, but it was his trumpet playing and leadership abilities that made him into a jazz giant. The youngest of nine children, John Birks Gillespie taught himself trombone and then...
Gillespie understood the importance of passing on his discoveries to new generations. His disciples includedMiles Davisand Lee Morgan; the latter even copied his bent-trumpet style in tribute. Gillespie’s career lasted half a century, encompassing big bands and small bands. Oh, and you can thank...
Gillespie's image is almost inseparable from his trademark trumpet, whose bell bends upward at a 45-degree angle rather than pointing straight ahead as in the conventional design. In honor of this trademark, the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History has collected Gillespie's B-flat t...
Gillespie, Dizzy.Profiles famed trumpeter and composer Dizzy Gillespie. Childhood; Musical training; Trumpet-playing style; Performance with big bands; Formation of own bands; Racial obstacles; Film credits; Awards.EBSCO_AspCurrent Biography
Gillespie also contributed several advanced arrangements to such bands as Benny Carter, Jimmy Dorsey, and Woody Herman; the latter advised him to give up his trumpet playing and stick to full-time arranging. Dizzy ignored the advice, jammed at Mintons Playhouse and Monroes Uptown House where he...
His style was so harmonically complex that many of his contemporaries failed to recreate his technique successfully, withJon Faddisbeing the first to master the Gillespie approach. Video Dizzy Gillespie Highlights Dizzy Gillespie Is A Member Of ...
Dizzy Gillespie LyricsFollow John Birks "Dizzy" Gillespie (; October 21, 1917 – January 6, 1993) was an American jazz trumpeter, bandleader, composer, and singer. Gillespie was a trumpet virtuoso and improviser, building on the virtuoso style of Roy Eldridge but adding layers of harmonic and...
Dizzy Gillespie, known for his "swollen" cheeks and signature (uniquely angled) trumpet's bell, got his start in the mid-1930s by working in prominent swing bands, including those of Benny Carter and Charlie Barnet. He later created his own band and developed his own signature style, known...
"Dizzy" Gillespie's trademark "Silver Bell" trumpet.NMAH As a young man, while playing in Cab Calloway’s Big Band at the Cotton Club in Harlem, Gillespie met a Cuban-American trumpeter and became interested in creating fusions of Afro-Cuban music with Jazz. “He then wrote several Latin-...
Part 2 of the program continues with Dizzy Gillespie discovering the following: his jazz style; his interactions with other musicians; and his latin musical influences. The following Gillespie musical excerpts are played: "Tin Tin Deo"; "La Lorraine"; and an musical piece (with an undisclosed ...