Guestover a year ago Hi, I had the same problem until I didn’t get used to it. At first it was unbearable to stare at monitor for more then an hour. After some time I was able to work 8 hours at office at the computer. Blurred vision ,or loss of sharpness of vision, resulting...
Contact your doctor if you experience dizziness during pregnancy, especially if the dizziness is constant or persistent, or if it is accompanied by pain in your abdomen or vaginal bleeding, blurred vision, headaches, or heart palpitations. What Causes Dizziness? Dizziness may be attributed to a wi...
10. I went to take the exam in a sling, but I was dizzy and my vision blurred, and I didn`t do well. 我们一个年级有五个班,我是一班的,尖子班的。 11. 11. But I did not slept well in the past few days, So I am kind feel dizzy and my vision is bit blurred.. ...
Have you experienced any of the following symptoms? If so, are they constant or do they come and go? Double/blurred vision or blindness ___Yes ___No ___Constant ___Episodes Numbness of face or extremities ___Yes ___No ___Constant ___Episodes Weakness of arms or legs...
faint with blurred vision (idiom); dizzy and eyes dimmed— 头晕眼花 · 头昏眼花 (idiom) dizzy and faint— 头昏目晕 也可见: dizzy— 眩 · 目眩 · 晕 · 头晕 · 头昏 · 晕头 · 昏昏沉沉 · 昏沉 · 昏头昏脑 · 晕糊 · 脑胀 ...
faint with blurred vision (idiom); dizzy and eyes dimmed— 头晕眼花 · 头昏眼花 也可见: 瞈矇 dizzy— 眩 · 目眩 · 晕 · 头晕 · 晕头 · 头昏 · 昏昏沉沉 · 昏沉 · 昏头昏脑 · 眴 · 晕乎 · 晕糊 · 脑胀 so and so— ...
blurred vision; nausea; impaired balance; unsteady walking; reduced concentration; and increased fatigue. These types of symptoms may subsequently lead to other problems, such as loss of confidence, frequent falls, work-related issues, headaches, difficulties with driving, depression and feelings of si...
Some of the common symptoms of a balance disorder include: Dizziness or vertigo Falling or a feeling as if you are going to fall Lightheadedness, fainting, or a floating sensation Blurred vision Confusion or disorientation Nausea and vomiting ...
Other symptoms you might have with a migraine are: Spots or flashes of light called aura Feeling sensitive to light, sound, and smells Blurred vision Your doctor can suggest medicines to prevent and treatmigraineheadaches. Get medical help right away if: ...