10. I went to take the exam in a sling, but I was dizzy and my vision blurred, and I didn`t do well. 我们一个年级有五个班,我是一班的,尖子班的。 11. 11. But I did not slept well in the past few days, So I am kind feel dizzy and my vision is bit blurred.. ...
Patients should be advised nottodrive or operate machinery if theybecome dizzyor drowsy or experience blurred or double vision while taking Rapinyl Deberá advertirsealos pacientesqueno conduzcan o utilicen máquinas sise sienten mareados, somnolientos o si tienen visión borrosa o doble mientras ...
If you’ve had many bouts of dizziness or spells that last a long time, make an appointment with your doctor. You should seek help right away if you’re dizzy and also have: Chest painor shortness of breath A severe headache A sudden change in your vision or hearing, or trouble speaki...
or that the world is spinning around them, and may be accompanied by intense nausea and vomiting. This feeling may be associated with loss of balance to the point that the person walks unsteadily or falls. Vertigo itself is a symptom or indicator of an underlying balance problem...