Fish Tank Mini Aquarium Air Pump Low Noise Outdoor Fishing Oxygen Aerator ABS Battery Operated Portable Button Switch Easy Apply US$1.90-2.50 500 Pieces (MOQ) 12V DC Aquarium Heater for Cat Water Fountain US$3.30-3.70 20 Pieces (MOQ) Round Cylindrical Fish...
- Installing tap and shower aerators and low-flow toilets; - Replacing an old power-guzzling fridge or washing machine with an energy-star rated appliance that uses much less electricity; and - Installing a water storage tank to save all the rainwater that runs off the roof and...
there is probably something in the faucet causing the odor. Take off the aerator cap and look inside for any buildup or gunk you can clean off. How bad the smelly drain gets usually depends on how often you clean your drains. There could also be stagnant water in your overflow drain, w...