The floor plan for the space was a simple L-shape, with enough room for a double vanity, the toilet, and a walk-in style shower. My vision for the new bathroom was pretty straightforward. Not a lot of frills. Nothing fancy. So, we began the design process with tile selection. EnterA...
Crafted from items you most likely have lying around the house right now, these are the best DIY Halloween costume ideas that will be a hit at any party (even if you waited til' the last minute!).
We discussed a few different options that included changing around the closet in the bedroom and adding a closet to the new room. These ideas led to complications involving vents and ceiling lights that we didn’t really want to deal with. Ultimately we followed Occam’s Razor theory and went...
Sexy Costumes for Halloween » For Women & Men » Inspirations, images & accessories » Get awesome ideas & tutorials for your sexy DIY costume!
Learn how to make a homemade sewing table with these 25 free DIY sewing table plans and ideas that are functional and have storage cabinets.
You wouldn't walk around at a spa in your regs clothes, so why would you at your own home? Only after you change into your comfiest robe and slip on some house shoes may you proceed with the below at-home spa treatments. Advertisement - Continue Reading BelowAt-home spa treatments ...
I then held the glue above the “neck” & squeezed in random spots & let it drip down to make it look like blood. The frame extended above his head so he looked more adult size. I put an adult sized black costume robe on him so that it would cover the pvc & my son. Then I ...
Finally, we needed a place to hang his Hogwartsrobe,wandandinvisibility cloak. We already had the hooks so we painted them to match the rest of the room. To finish out this wall, we added this Hogwartsbannerand…another amazingwall decal. ...