12. Coconut Oil and Baking Soda Toothpaste One of the easiest and most well-known toothpaste recipes is one that mixes coconut oil with baking soda. Sometimes you just want to try something simple and use up the ingredients you already have in your pantry. JJ shares the how-to behind this...
I created this DIY peppermint and coconut oil toothpaste from altering mybaking soda based toothpaste recipeI was using for years. This recipe has more peppermint essential oil to make it more effective at killing bacteria. I also added sea salt and bentonite clay to the recipe. Bentonite clay...
First, in a glass jar, combine ½ cup softened coconut oil with 3 tablespoons of baking soda, 20 drops of mint oil, and then an optional sweetener such as stevia or xylitol. The cost of making your own toothpaste is around $1.32. Not too shabby! 3. Make Your Own Glass Cleaner – ...
Coconut Cream Deep Hair Conditioner Natural Homemade Hairspray Homemade Pomade PERSONAL CARE PRODUCT RECIPES Homemade Deodorant Stick for Sensitive Skin Homemade Liquid Hand Soap Facial Cleanser: Oil Cleansing Method All Natural Homemade Toothpaste ...
They are perfect. These wet wipes are so inexpensive to make that I use them for everything! I clean up after my son when he “forgets” to lift the toilet seat. I clean toothpaste off the sink. There are tons of uses for them in the bathroom. ...
A:One should eliminate those foods and drinks that stains theteethand at the same time should stop smoking. He should brush histeethtwice a day with fluoride toothpaste and visit the dentist at least once a year. Q: What causes tooth discoloration?
How to Make Natural Toothpaste: Mix together the baking soda and sea salt. Finely chop the sage leaves and add the powdered calcium tablets, or open capsules and pour in, for more abrasion (optional). Grind all dry ingredients with a pestle and mortar. Add coconut oil and a drop or tw...
Looking for anaffordable, non-toxic way to brush your teeth? Give thiseasy, DIY, Non-Toxic Toothpastea try! Print Ingredients 1/4 c.bentonite clay 1 T.baking soda 2 T.coconut oil 10 dropspeppermint essential oil 10 dropsclove essential oil ...
Add the coconut oil and sesame oil to a medium-sized glass* mixing bowl. Combine using the back of a clean fork until a consistent paste. Add the baking soda, activated charcoal, and essential oil to the oil paste. Stir (preferably with a non-metal utensil*) to combine. ...
I use the coconut oil + baking soda mixture (2-parts oil to 1-part baking soda) as a toothpaste for my beloved elderly greyhounds; I found this recipe online at a pet-rescue site. Wish I had known about this years ago, since both my greys had miserable, awful teeth when I adopted...