Cranberry crisps硬硬的有一点点的甜,非常百搭。Rosemary&olive oil baugette是咸口的,咬下去巨酥,平时当小零食吃都可以。 小食篇🍿 这个就看个人喜好了,我一般习惯配果酱或蜂蜜,再来一点干果仁。很多老外选择配巧克力,大家可以试一下。 水果篇🍇 绿葡萄是万能的哈哈哈0 0 发表评论 发表 作者最近动态 与风...
Rosemary(迷迭香萃取)具消毒,殺菌作用,會鎮靜舒解肌膚,強化敏感肌膚。 Rovisome Ace III(超微粒包)維生素A.C和E,預防老化及使肌膚再生。 Rovixome Acne(超微粒包+抗痘原料)具特殊抗菌效果,防止青春痘。 Sage Extract(鼠尾草)具芳香醫療效果,外用具有殺菌,消毒,消炎。 Seamollient(海藻清膠) Seaweed(海藻...
First things first… Make the label for your bottle and then after, you’ll want to drop some fresh sprigs of rosemary inside. Once you’ve done that, add the olive oil and presto – instant and heartfelt gift – just the perfect addition to any new home. It’s simple, pretty and ...
• 2 drops rosemary essential oil • 2 drops peppermint essential oil For the carrier oils, you can sub with the following: • Apricot kernel oil • Meadowfoam oil • Safflower oil Loving Preparation – DIY Oil Cleanser Recipe 1. Add the essential oils to the 2 oz dropper bottle. ...
rosemary 迷迭香 抗菌、愈合、收敛、激励、再生roxadimate 紫外线吸收剂,uvb 280-330,为防晒成份rye polyglucose 黑麦多葡萄糖 紧实、强化皮肤 17楼2013-07-08 10:25 回复 scentbaby 天生丽质 12 ssafflower oil 红花油 润肤及润滑成份sage 鼠尾草 收敛、抗菌、抗炎、柔软及愈合salicylic acid 水杨酸 bha 角质...
Warm olive oil, garlic, and chili flakes if using over low heat for eight to ten minutes until garlic is lightly brown. Remove from heat. Let cool. Remove garlic and slice. Place garlic in bottle. Pour olive oil and chili flakes into bottle with funnel. Seal. Rosemary Olive Oil Warm r...
3.迷迭香+蓖麻油 (Rosemary and Castor Oil) 蓖麻油含丰富蛋白质同维生素,有助于促进头发生长。 迷迭香油可以滋养同修护头发表层。 将这些油混合併在头皮上按摩。 每週两次,好快就见效。 4.橄榄油+柠檬 (Olive Oil + Lemon) 橄榄油对头发非常有益,适用于发根。是橄榄油度加入几滴柠檬汁,加热并按摩头皮。 令...
Rosemaryessential oil Grapefruit seed extract(not to be confused with grapefruit essential oil, which is slightly preservative in nature, but not as effective) Vitamin E Citric or ascorbic acid Salt or even sugar Borax Remember, these things will not extend shelf life indefinitely when you’re ...
Blanch your herbs (fresh only) in boiling water for 2 minutes to bring up their delicious smells. Then run them under cold water, and chop ’em up (you can can leave chili peppers, thyme, bay leaves, and rosemary sprigs whole to make it purty.) Allow the herbs to dry completely ...
Rosemary & garlic-infused olive oil Homemade Limoncello Mason jars filled with a hot chocolate bomb or hot chocolate mix DIY homemade gifts may require more time and effort than the ones purchased in stores but are much more meaningful and personal. With these best DIY gift ideas above, you...